Meeting:Committee (2017-11-06)

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Committee meeting

6 November 2017

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

  • Present: Whole committee (Pru, Gideon, Tom, Robert, Caddie, Sam, and Steve)
  • Apologies: None.
  • Etherpad: (Redacted)

Meeting opened: 17:02 AWST

Previous meeting

Gideon moved that the Minutes of the previous meeting 23 October 2017 be accepted as tabled. Seconded by Tom. Passed.

Matters arising

Action: Minutes from 2017 AGM (Tom) — Technical issues (dead computer). Will get notes online soon.

Action: WLM winners to be posted on social media (Twitter, Facebook and email to members) — done

Action: Berlin report (Robert) accessible through Robert's Userpage — to be done by Wednesday but will work on having it up later tonight, tech issues (faulty hdd cable) resulted in damaged files and BAS issues held me up

Action: GLAM Report UoMWiki (Pru) - done

Wikimania follow-up

Action: thanks to Liam and Kerry

report (Tom) see also Project - Tom will do by next meeting

Action: Options for membership and donations (alternatives to Paypal) (Robert) - ongoing, researching the ins and outs (pros and cons, including anything that maybe hidden in terms and conditions)

Action: Recreate membership form (Steve) — original doesn't exist - (was under a removed account). Required fields are: Email address First name Last name Postal address Line 1 Postal address Town/City State Post Code Country Your interest in Wikimedia Australia Form recreated: (Redacted) - form live on WMAU. needs to be updated so all can see.

Action: Potential additional committee member besides Robert Whyte (Pru) - email re Julian Singh Tom to email Robert to see if he's still interested. MOTION:Tom moves that Robert Whyte be co-opted on to the Committee as a general committee member. Seconded by Sam. Passed. Julian is not a member, so needs to join first. After that we'll see about coopting him.

Action: Endorse ESEAP on behalf of WMAU - DONE

Action: commwiki access for Steve - This should've been done, created an account and password sent (using the account created page) after the AGM, maybe issue with the Comm Wiki sending emails? - done 6 Nov.

Action: Request to Craig to review grant request (Pru)

GSuite email accounts

WMAU email addresses - Google - policy on email addresses, some non-committee members are entitled to email addresses to cover particular WMAU-related active business

  • Craig -
  • Kerry -
  • Adam -
  • Andrew - not currently active
  • Charles - not currently active

$5 per month/mailbox aliases direct to position names are not charged

ACTION: send email to inactive members to remove data from WMAU

MOTION: That because the mailboxes cost money, we ask former Committee members if they want to retain their mailboxes they tell us. If we don't hear from them then we'll remove the mailboxes. Moved:Tom Seconded: Steve

AGENDA ITEM: Tom to email the five people above.

President's Report

Thank you to Gideon, Robert, Caddie for WLM.

Membership interface.

Wikimedia Conference registrations open soon. Wiki Conference 2018 20-21 April 2018 aka Berlin

pre-conference workshops 18-19 April Registration opens on Friday, November 24, 2017 and closes on Monday, January 15, 2018.

ACTION: committee members to consider and we'll talk about it next meeting.

WM criteria

  • prepared to learn and to share
  • to bring the information and learnings back home
  • actively engaged before, during and after the conference
  • can represent their affiliates
  • involved in the decision making processes of the organization
  • striving to help shape the future of the movement
  • partnerships specialists, or program leaders
  • at least one non-male participant

Treasurer's Report

Bank Acc: $29,341.54 Credit Card: $176.14 PayPal: $4.57

Expenses: $427.80 - Pru's reimbursment for WLM $70.25 - Google $26.92 - Linode (webhosting) $50.00 - Xero

Income: Bank interest: $2.65 in the bank acc and $0.02 on the CC


Still need to organise a WLM deposit

Down side of adding credit notes to unpaid membership renewals (invoices) and if "GST on Income" on the invoice and "GST on Expenses" on the credit notes is used causes, this causes the BAS to go into the negitives. Since we never receieved cash, I've changed this to "GST Free Income" on the invoice and "GST Free Expense" on the credit note. I have since fixed this and BAS has been done, however it was done three days late due to this issue and the hard drive issue I've been having.

Also we should get advice from someone who knows GST and organisation as to whether we could have membership as "GST Free on Income" or should it continue to be "GST on Income" See Question 7

The commercial activities of charities will be taxable but the supplies made for nominal consideration by charities will be GST-free. Anything supplied by an endorsed charity (if registered for GST) is GST-free if the consideration is less than either 50% of the GST inclusive market value or less than 75% of the 'cost of supply'. It is open for a charity to demonstrate that the membership fee is less than either 50% of the GST inclusive market value of the membership or 75% of the cost of providing the membership rights.

Or ATO speak translator - almost impervious textual explanation provided - ATO would most unlikely to give this advice, since someone with expertise would need to look at our Xero reports to work out if Reports would show required information

Requires further research - Pru and Robert

Pru moves that the treasuers' report be accepted. Steve seconds. Passed, no dissent.

Secretary's Report

Thanks to Pru to continue membership role

Wiki Loves Science - Australian involvement would be good to have committee support Trying to rest on international program rather than invent Australian specific role Minimal level involvement - however requires support if possible. No financial outlay (no prizes). Perhaps no Australian-level judging. Or is there is, it'd be small. Australia is listed as 15 Nov - 15 Dec. MOTION: Pru moves that Wikimedia Australia supports Tom in coordinating the Australian component of the Wiki Science Competition, and approves up to $250 costs upon receipt of documentation. Seconded by Gideon. Passed without dissent. ACTION: Tom to report at committee meetings.

Reports on hold due to technical issue.


All correspondence has come to commitee@ and has been seen by all Committee members.

Membership Report

3 members EOI pending membership form Julian Singh (ACT) Stuart Lindemeyer (ACT) Ted Hennicke (Albury, NSW)

General Business

Committee Strategy 2018

  • Face to Face workshop

In Perth. January no good. Everyone to think of dates.

  • WMAU priorities for 2018
  • WMAU action plan
  • APG application

All to be first-up next meeting.

  • Committee responsibilities

Project Reports

  • Wikimania bid 2019

  • ESEAP Regional conference

  • GLAM Peak workshops

Hobart Albury Broome

  • WikiClubs

Wiki Club West - Event in November successful Wiki Club West - 2018 plan in process Perth Stadium access in January 21st

  • Communications / social media

WikiClubWest - twitter and Facebook going well

  • Wikipedia Day, Mon 15 Jan

  • 1lib1ref, 15 Jan - 3 Feb 2018

Next meeting

Monday, 20 November 2017 4:30 WA, 6 PM central, 7:30 East.

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