Indigenous Knowledge Sharing

Revision as of 06:53, 20 February 2019 by Gnangarra (talk | contribs) (create)
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Wikimedia Australia recognises the need to improve coverage on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture, history, language, and knowledge across all Wikimedia Projects. This policy sets out a guide for the community on how to approach activities including workshops and events. The policy also guide the committee on decision making with applications for support through the Volunteer Support program or other assistance as may be required. Wikimedia Australia acknowledges that each Wikimedia project has its own policies, guidelines with regards to content while outside our purview they must also be respected.


Wikimedia Australia respects the rights of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and every effort will be made to work respectfully within their cultural protocols. Wikimedia Australia supports projects, events, or collaborations which can demonstrate that they are guided and supported by the traditional knowledge holders relevant to the proposed project.

Wikimedia projects that involve Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and content will ideally:

  • Be initiated and led by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • Demonstrate the participation of key community representatives
  • Deliver demonstrable benefits, resourcing and funding to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to enable skills development and the sustainability of projects.

Wikimedia Australia is available to assist with the recruitment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people for Wikimedia-related projects.


To discuss a project contact us at:


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