Proposal:Motion to require the committee to provide copies of the members register upon request

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This is a proposal to place an item on the agenda of the next General Meeting (AGM or SGM) to remove any ambiguity as to how the members register is to be accessible.



It is proposed to include the following motion at the next Annual General Meeting:

That rule 5(2) is replaced with the following:
(2) The register is available for inspection, in person, upon request by any person that has been a member of the organisation for the two consecutive years prior to the request. The Association may not charge a fee to a member to inspect the register in this way.
That the following text is appended to rule 5:
(4) A digital copy of the members register will be provided upon a request from any person that has been a member of the organisation for the two consecutive years prior to that request. This copy will be provided in an electronic format and delivered to the member via email. The Association may not charge a fee for a copy of the members register provided in this way.

As this motion involves a change to the rules, a 75% majority would need to vote in favour of it at a General Meeting in order for the rule change to take effect.


Supporting this proposal should not necessarily be interpreted as supporting the motion; this proposal is merely to place the motion on the agenda for the AGM.

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