
Wikimedia Australia, Inc.® is an independent, not-for-profit organisation, whose primary aim is to promote equality of opportunity to access and participate in the collaborative creation of Free Cultural Works, especially educational works, and works about Australia, its culture, natural environment, and Australian news and media. See our Statement of Purpose & Rules..

ABN: 74 761 792 996
CAV Registration No.: A0051923E

The purpose of the organisation is to:

  • organise and participate in educational and social events that promote development of Free Cultural Works and related open source software systems, in particular wikis
  • increase public awareness, support and participation in the projects hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF)
  • develop resources to assist Australians in the creation and maintenance of Free Cultural Works

Wikimedia Australia is recognised by the Wikimedia Foundation as a 'official chapter' and as such will offer members an official voice in the global Wikimedia community, whose aim is to create unencumbered resources for use throughout the world.

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