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Online conference: A sustainable future for Wikidata
The WikidataCon is an event focused on the Wikidata community in a broad sense: editors, tools builders, but also 3rd party reusers, partner organizations that are using or contributing to the data, the ecosystem of organizations working with Wikibase. The content of the conference will have some parts dedicated to people who want to learn more about Wikidata, some workshops and discussions for the community to share skills and exchange about their practices, and some space left to include side events for specific projects (WikiCite, Wikibase, GLAM, etc.).
Region: International
Share link: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2021 – or download calendar item (.ics)
Keywords: WikiCite · WikidataReport
Wikidata in Australia showcase (WikidataCon 2021 recording): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfgdzN7nd-8
- Attendee count: unknown
- Cost to Wikimedia Australia: no cost
Ada Lovelace Day: 24-Hour Global Edit-a-thon
12 October 2021
12 October 2021
New advances for Wikipedia integrated academic journals
10 November 2021
10 November 2021