Wikipedia 10

Revision as of 17:29, 2 December 2010 by Bilby (talk | contribs) (Move to running event)

On Sunday, 15th January 2011, Wikipedia will turn 10 years old - it would be marvellous to mark and celebrate this occasion, and this page is for talking through ideas, and general planning.

Interested in helping plan / run an event

please indicate the location where you'd like to help organise an event

  1. Bilby - Will be running an event/meetup in Adelaide. Site to be confirmed, but it will be in the city and will involve cake, and possible free t-shirts. :)

Interested in attending an event

  1. Privatemusings 12:20, 15 September 2010 (EST) (sydney)
  2. Angela (Sydney, Newcastle, or somewhere in between.)
  3. Bduke (Melbourne or close.)
  4. Lankiveil 23:23, 13 November 2010 (EST) (Southeast Queensland or Northern NSW)
  5. Bidgee 21:25, 15 November 2010 (EST) (Canberra, Melbourne or Sydney)

Central Wikimedia Foundation planning / discussion

  • Wikipedia 10 - an official planning wiki from the Wikimedia Foundation.
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