Meeting:Committee (2011-07-24)

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Start: 15.22 [Log: 15:22] AEST on #wmau-comm


  • Attendance: Craig (Chair), Adam, Andrew, Anne (Minutes), and Charles.
  • Apologies: Brian, John.
  • Absences: Nil


Membership report

Three people have applied for membership since the last committee meeting and two of them have paid and are now on list. Another applicant was accepted on 8th July and we are awaiting payment of membership fees.

There are currently 28 members; also a number of members who have not yet renewed their membership dues at the beginning of July. Outstanding membership renewals need to be addressed and resolved in time for the Annual General Meeting. Craig outlined the content of emails received from members not renewing for various reasons which included requests to be unsubscribed from the mailing list. Discussion ensued on the need to identify and address the reasons for non-renewal.

There is a need to streamline the membership database, CiviCRM, to reflect the correct status of membership. Craig and Anne to liaise on this task as soon as possible.

Finance Report

Treasurer's report

  • Total balance of bank accounts is $167,051.04 in the primary account, and $32,646.11 in the fundraising account.
  • Financial Statements for financial year just ended have been delayed by inconsistent reporting from PayPal. Two reports give different totals. Craig has decided to use individual transaction data rather than summarised data as a source of all accuracy.
  • BAS forms have been filled out, and a refund of $345 is payable to us. These forms need to be signed off by Brian prior to lodgement.

Consumer Affairs Victoria

Brian advised via email that the final changes regarding the Rules were approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria in early July.

Correspondence Report

  • Small grant request received from Toby Hudson.

In June Toby Hudson (99of9) applied for a small grant of $200 towards the cost of a macro lens; he intending to purchase a camera for just under $1,000 and a grant would assist his procurement of the right lens for his work of photographing insects. His work is on WikiCommons. Anne to follow up to clarify the grant application is for $200 towards a camera lens, and the remainder of the cost will be borne by him.

  • Adelaide Festival of Ideas to be held between 7th to 9th October - Session on 'Wiki World View'

Adam reported on the Adelaide Festival of Ideas as a major event in South Australia holding a broad range of topics and covered extensively in the media. The Festival organisers are requesting a speaker on the topic, 'WikiWorldView'. Discussion took place on a suitable speaker to be sent to the festival; Adam advised he has been in touch with the festival organisers and he will follow-up on this matter.

Annual General Meeting

Discussion on the AGM's date in relation to timelines required to present the strategic plan for voting on. Issues, such as school holidays and the fundraiser, that may require consideration on the date chosen were discussed and the committee put forward a tentative date of the 9th October.

2011 Chapters Fundraising Agreement

Noting the fundraising agreement at meta:Fundraising_2011/Chapter_Fundraising_Agreement was signed on June 30, and Adam explained that he will soon commence the fundraising testing.

Motion: That the committee authorise Adam Jenkins to liaise, on behalf of the Chapter, with WMF, for the purpose of running fundraising tests.

  • Moved: Craig
  • Seconded: Anne
  • Support: Adam, Andrew, Charles
  • Motion carried without dissent [Log: 16:25]

Strategic Planning Workshop, Sydney 16 and 17 July

Craig outlined the work of the subcommittee and the timelines for progressing towards presentation of the strategic plan at the AGM - 1st August deadline for write up; submission to members 1st to 15th August; review period, including drafting of the annual plan 16th to 30 August; finally ratification of the strategic plan at the AGM.

Current Projects

State Library of Victoria

The committee received a report from John on 19th July, after a meeting with the State Library Victoria on 18th July.

IRC Discussion 3 July

Discussion on the July IRC chat, which for all intent and purpose was a little quiet this month.

Melbourne Meetup 23 July

The lead up to the Melbourne meet up was thoughtfully planned out for maximum notification to possible attendees including Melbourne editors. Lots of discussion about how and what to edit and John presided over all these questions. Those who attended were thankful for the opportunity to discuss their unique issue and have them resolved. It was hoped that a Melbourne meet up could be planned on a regular basis and this idea to be taken up with Brian on his return.

Craig mentioned the value of having semi-regular meetups in all the state and territory capitals.


To be paid:

  • Reimbursements to Craig and John for SLQ, Miles, Queensland.
  • Reimbursement to Andrew for Berlin expenses.
  • Cheque for Vienna.
  • Account from Redback Conferencing for $21.27


Carry over from Meeting: Committee 2011-06-18

  • Scholarship program for 2012

Discussion deferred until the next committee meeting.

Carried over from Meeting:Committee (2011-04-20)

  • Banners and Stall Equipment

Adam advised he has obtained prices for the banners and stall equipment and will email the information to committee.

  • WMAu materials from Sarah

Craig to post a letter with a reply paid satchel-envelope for Sarah to package up any remaining materials and files. Craig to be reimbursed for any out of pocket expenses incurred.

Motion: "To reimburse Craig Franklin for expenses incurred in retrieving WMAu items from Sarah Ewart."

  • Moved: Charles
  • Seconded: Anne
  • Support: Adam, Andrew, Craig
  • Motion carried without dissent [Log: 16.58]

Meeting Closed at 17:00 AEST [Log: 17:00]

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