Art and Feminism 2023
Join us for International Women's Day 2023 and Art+Feminism Year Ten
Discover the archive of the Women's Art Register, Australia's living archive of women's art practice. As we reflect on how communities have harnessed their collective powers of participation and action as a strategy for empowerment, our collective powers of editing Wikipedia will amplify the voices of Australian women artists.
Region: VIC
Location: Richmond Library, 415 Church Street, Richmond, 3121
Share link: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/iwd-artfeminism-wikipedia-edit-a-thon-tickets-535451839867 – or download calendar item (.ics)
Keywords: Art and FeminismEvent Metrics
Dashboard: https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org/courses/Womens_Art_Register/Art_and_Feminism_Vic_(2023)