Environment Centre NT Wikipedian in Residence

Over 100 images have been added to Wikimedia Commons in the last few months as part of the Northern Territory Environment Wiki Project.

Lee Point Binybara Community Meeting, image on Wikimedia Commons

The Environment Centre Northern Territory was successfully awarded funding through Wikimedia Australia's 2024 Partner Projects to engage local Wikipedian, Caddie Brain, to help grow Wikipedia pages related to the Northern Territory.

The Northern Territory (NT) is an area of unparalleled ecological and cultural significance, featuring unique biodiversity, largely untouched tropical savannas, and intricate, free-flowing ground and surface water systems. From December - May 2024, Wikimedian in Residence Caddie Brain has been addressing significant gaps in the NT’s Wikipedia content - plants, animals, ecosystems, major projects, and a focus on First Nations content through key collaborations with Larrakia Elder Dr Richard Fejo and First Nations historian Don Christophersen.

As of May 2024, Over 100 images have been added to Wikimedia Commons in the last few months as part of the Northern Territory Environment Wiki Project. Recently added images have included stunning photos of white naped honeyeaters and lesser sand plovers, and also documented the habits of turtles nesting in the sand at Lee Point. Images that have been added to Wikimedia Commons have then, where possible, been shared across to Wikipedia to add context to Wikipedia articles.



Project Coordinator: Anne Finch, Operations Manager, Environment Centre Northern Territory

Wikipedian in Residence: Caddie Brain

This project engaged and consulted with Richard Fejo, Michael Barritt, Jared Archibald, Nick Cuff at the Herbarium, Hannah and Alex at the Arid Lands Environment Centre, and Jimmy Cocking.

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