Meeting:Committee (2009 March 26)
Start time: 21:55 AEDT.
Attendance: Brianna (chair), Brian (minutes), Liam, John, Andrew, Gideon.
Apologies: Sarah, Nathan.
1. Finalising pick for chapter-selected WMF board seat
With Dror pulling out, there appeared to be no reason to discuss this further
2. Brianna and Liam report Canberra meetup and other meetings with War Memorial, Pictures Australia, National Library (pictures), AIATSIS and National Museum. - report here.
The report was welcomed and noted. There was discussion on MW metadata, with the question of setting up a brainstorming page on commwiki, and on the potential of working with AWM. There was discussion (unresolved) whether we were confident that Chris Mann could organise the November Wiki Conference in Canberra. The Foundation grants were dues in two weeks and the Art Gallery project was now off, as there was no interest from the staff there. There was a long discussion on whether the lack of interest in working with us bu AIATSIS prevented us from initiating Aboriginal projects. The consensus was that this did not prevent us, but it might make it more difficult.
3. Systems administration volunteer position description (Andrew/Werdna)
It was decided that Brianna would make a proposal for decision on the wiki.
4. Confirm minutes of Meeting (2009-02-15)
The minutes were approved without dissent.
5. Report on outcome from Melbourne Retreat March 2009
6. Treasurer's report noted:
- Balance 31 January 2009: $1,808.56. Balance 1 March 2009: $1,556.35. No transactions since 1 March.
- Income: $0.14 (interest)
- Expenditure: $106.05 (Brianna), $113.50 (Brian), $30.00 (Brianna), $2.80 (bank fees. Total: $252.35.
- Official bank statement to 4 March received by post. Who has the statement prior to 4 December 2008, when balance was $989.21? It should come to me for the official file.
7. Motions from Treasurer.
That members joining and paying a subscription after 1 April in any financial year, be fully paid up until the end of the following financial year.
- Approved without dissent.
For the 2009- 2010 financial year only, members, who paid prior to 1 April 2009, may pay half of the appropriate subscription for the 2009 - 2010 financial year, provided the payment is paid before the due date of 1 July, 2009 (I anticipate some laxness on this point, but the rules do specify a due date so we should not formally alter it).
- Approved without dissent.
That the Treasurer be requested to open a Pay-Pal account to allow people to make credit card payments without having a Paypal account. This would be only for receiving monies, NOT be for making payments.
- Not approved at this time due to concerns that an account for receiving monies also included the possibility of making payments and that these could be done without committee approval and by one person, not the two required for payment by cheque.
That approval be given for a regular $15 per/quarter payment to Brianna for web-hosting, rather than approving the hosting fees each time. In the event that we increase the hosting fees, we would need to have a motion in the normal way to do so.
- Approved without dissent, but it was noted that this applied to the present arrangements and that consideration of changing our web hosting arrangements be made at a future meeting.
The Treasurer should purchase stamps in advance (stamps being the main ongoing petty cash used - for passing receipts, cheques etc.) and claim this for reimbursement. Then, when sending cheques for signatures etc. he will place a pre-stamped envelope with the cheque so that the other person does not need to purchase new stamps or claim petty cash reimbursement.
- That approval be given for an initial payment be approved to cover the cost of 20 stamps for normal postage within Australia (? 55c - therefore $11)
- That general approval be given for the Treasurer to reimburse any of the Officers for petty cash payments up to $10, on the basis of a simple list of such expenses with official receipts not required. The Treasurer may at any time withhold payment and bring the matter to the committee.
- Approved without dissent.
8. Approval of any other payment of expenses - Brianna and Liam re Canberra?
None were forthcoming. Thanks to Brianna and Liam for covering their expenses.
9. Informally there was discussions regarding further work with the Power House Museum, use of members e-mail list, unlocking IP, and the Berlin Chapters meeting.
The meeting closed about 23.40.AEDT.