Meeting:Committee (2011-02-27)

Start: 14:37 AEDT, 27 February 2011


Attendance, absence, apologies, previous minutes.

  • Attendance: John Vandenberg (chair), Adam Jenkins (minutes), Craig Franklin, Charles Gregory, Andrew Owens, Brian Salter-Duke (observing)
  • Apologies: None
  • Absences: Sarah Ewart


Chapters Agreement

Motion: That the committee empowers the President to sign the 2011 chapters agreement on behalf of the committee and the chapter.

  • Moved: Craig
  • Seconded: Charles
  • Carried without dissent.

Special General Meeting

Motion: That Wikimedia Australia hold a Special General Meeting on 9 16 April 2011.

  • Moved: John
  • Seconded: Craig
  • Carried without dissent.

Secretary's position

Motion: A motion to vacate the position of Secretary will be tabled at the SGM on 9 16 April 2011.

  • Moved: John
  • Seconded: Craig
  • Carried without dissent.

Dunsborough and Busselton photoexpedition grant

Motion: That the committee allocates $600 to reimburse Gideon Digby for expenses incurred on his photoexpedition to Dunsborough and Busselton, to be paid once receipts are provided to the committee.

  • Moved: John
  • Seconded: Charles
  • Carried without dissent.

Small grants

Motion: That the committee will increase the maximum amount that can be claimed per application under the small grant scheme to $200.

  • Moved: Andrew
  • Seconded: Adam
  • Carried without dissent.

Motion: That the committee will review the small grants scheme in three months.

  • Moved: Andrew
  • Seconded: Craig
  • Carried without dissent.

Berlin Chapters Meeting

Motion: that the committee approves $2049 for Craig's travel expenses to attend the Berlin chapters conference.

  • Moved: John
  • Seconded: Andrew
  • Abstained: Craig
  • Carried without dissent.

Motion: That the committee approves €1531.94 for Andrews's flight to attend the Berlin chapters conference.

  • Moved: John
  • Seconded: Adam
  • Abstained: Andrew
  • Carried without dissent.

Secure websites

Motion: That we register a certificate for use on our websites through CAcert.

  • Moved: Craig
  • Seconded: John
  • Carried without dissent.


  • Reporting on the plan to reexamine the election procedures, it was decided that members will be notified of the subcommittee and invited to join in the next week, preferably via the newsletter, with the report to the tabled at the 9 April 2011 SGM.
  • In regard to providing support for other Chapters to attend the Berlin Chapters Meeting, it was decided that we contact Berlin in order to firm up details about who and how much, so that we can table a motion either in the next meeting or on the mailing list.
  • Website re-licensing: John proposed that we create a page that members need to sign regarding content licensing changes, and allow both ex-members and some non-members to sign. As part of this process, non-members will be allowed to edit their user and talk pages. There was general agreement. John will also be granting sysop access to all current members of the committee.
  • Secure websites: it was decided to go with the option, initially for CiviCRM and later for the committee space.


Meeting closed 17:02 AEDT

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