Meeting:Committee (2014-07-06)
Wikimedia Australia Inc. | ||
Sunday 6 July 2014, 16:00 AEDST -- June Committe Meeting |
- Meeting opened at 16:22
- Present: Steven, Gideon, Michael, Pru, Robert, Andrew(joined at 19:03)
- Observers:
- Apologies: Andrew
- Absent: Charles, Kerry, Craig
Minutes for March, April and May were approved by vote of the committee (motions formally recorded in the 27 July 2014 minutes) on 8 July 2014.
Finance report
- cash posiiton: $77239
- one $10 donation received in the period
- 28 membership renewels, 30 remain unpaid
- general discussion on memberships, mail out to remind members and a personal contact from local committee persons
Action Items:
- Michael to prepare End of Financial Year reports
Membership report
- Discussion during Financial reporting
- ACTION: Michael will send personal email to unpaid members, and follow up by a person in their state if contact details available
- Have all pending membership applications been accepted/decided on? Update on Raj
ACTION: Steve to send a welcome letter, membership fees waived for 12 months due to delay in processing.
Correspondence report
- ALIA workshops email thread
- question needing clarification or more detail
- Timing of workshops day/evening or weekend
- charges for 2nd part workshops
- question needing clarification or more detail
- Presentation 1: Introduction to Wikipedia - August-September 2014 WMAU to provide speaker/s and content. ALIA to provide venue, publicity
Along the lines of the Merrilee Proffitt session in Melbourne, Marcy 2014:audio available -
- Melbourne: Pru and Steve
- Sydney: Gillian White(?)
- Brisbane: Craig or Kerry(?)
- Perth: Gideon
- Adelaide:Adam(?)
Editing workshops;
start with a pilot programme eg in Melbourne or Sydney - then evaluate
ACTION: Pru to communicate with ALIA to move this forward.
Note:Steven was unavailable during part of this discussion Gideon took the chair for that time -- quorum still maintained
Actions items from last meeting
Discussion of action items from Action items page.
- Welcome letter for Raj - not done but now in the works.
- Training model and letter expressing disappointment wrt scholarships still outstanding
- Expense spreadsheet has been sent (see comm list and Gideon's notes for localisation)
- Business cards- no response from WMF, square cards on agenda for decision this meeting.
- Project planning- move to public Wiki for further development and discussion
- ATO/BAS stuff from April - working through this currently.
- Bounced emails - dealt with in previous meeting.
- Welcome for Raj.
- Website contact is ongoing.
- Bank report is ongoing.
- Quarterly activities report is ongoing.
- Project planning ongoing with Gideon.
- Photo for wiki outstanding.
- Berln report also
- All done.
- Is not in attendance.
- Training model w/Steve in progress.
AGM discussion on timing proposed dates 17 August thru until early September suggested concern 17th was too soon after Wikimania Gideon unable to provide a report on attending, September getting late suggested either weekend of 23/24 or 30/31 August.
Decision to be made at July committee meeting.
- meeting adjourned at 17:59 to enable Gideon to pick Andrew up to attend second part from 19:00
- meeting reconvened at 19:03, Andrew now also present in person via Gideons connection
Business cards;
- resolved to use square cards sourced through Vista Print
Internet Banking token;
- Bendigo bank requires a committee motion authorising Steve to have internet banking access along with a token
General banking options;
- discussion about options with Andrew reporting that changes in banking rules leaves Westpac as the standout supplier because they have specific solutions for non-profits and community groups. Ideally committee needs to resolve the banking issues before going to the AGM otherwise it will only be compounded for the incoming committee.
Action Item:Andrew to produce a report on c options with comparison to current
activities reports;
LotteryWest grant applications;
- Letter of support for Toodyay Shire and Fremantle Society as part of their application for funding from LotteryWest
- resolution:WMAU resolved to provide letters to the Shire of Toodyay and Fremantle Society for their grant application to Lottery West
- Action:Gideon to write then forward endorsement letters to Steve for review and signing
- Application on behalf of WMAU by Gideon for funding further outreach to regional LGA's
- resolution:Gideon Digby is to make an application for funding on behalf of Wikimedia Australia to LotteryWest, regarding future WikiTown projects in Western Australia.
- Letter of support for Toodyay Shire and Fremantle Society as part of their application for funding from LotteryWest
The meeting was closed at 21:05.