Meeting:Incorporation (2008 April 21)
- Motions adopted
- Approved our statement of purpose as "Wikimedia Australia Inc. is an independent non-profit association that aims to support and promote the creation and distribution of freely licensed cultural works, especially the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, and the technology that supports those projects."
- Approved the draft rules as at <>.
- Approved application for incorporation as an association under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
- Appointed Brian Salter-Duke as the Public Officer.
- Affirmed the interim committee members (Brianna, Charles, Daniel, John, Nathan, Sarah, Stephen) to serve until the first AGM.
- Minutes
2008-04-20, 3:10pm, Computerbank, North Melbourne.
Chair: Stephen Bain. Minutes: Brianna Laugher.
1. Conference call connection made. Meeting declared open. Welcome to all and thankyou to educationau for conference call support, and Computerbank for the venue.
- Stephen Bain
- Greg Shepherd
- Alexander Lum
- Brian Salter-Duke
- Brianna Laugher
- Peter Halasz
- Isaac Sutcliffe
- Alan Isherwood
- John Vandenberg
- Sarah Ewart
Adelaide (via conference call)
- Pru Mitchell
- Daniel Bryant
- Janet Hawtin
- Karl Goetz
Brisbane (via conference call)
- Craig Franklin
- Lloyd Nguyen
- James Recchi
Sydney (via conference call)
- Peter
Sydney (via conference call)
- Liam Wyatt
Hobart (via conference call)
- Charles Gregory
Apologies: Riana, Andrew Garrett
2. Returning Officers were appointed as follows: (Brianna in Melbourne,) Janet in Adelaide, Craig in Brisbane, Peter, Liam and Charles for themselves.
3. Note that the Wikimedia Foundation has approved our draft rules. The only change since them is that the appendix "statement of aims" was renamed to "statement of purpose".
4. To approve our statement of purpose as "Wikimedia Australia Inc. is an independent non-profit association that aims to support and promote the creation and distribution of freely licensed cultural works, especially the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, and the technology that supports those projects."
- Moved - Stephen
- Seconded - Sarah
Carried without dissent.
5. To approve the draft rules as at <>.
- Moved - Stephen
- Seconded - Peter
Carried without dissent.
6. To apply for incorporation as an association under the Victorian Associations Incorporation Act 1981.
- Moved - Stephen
- Seconded - Isaac
Carried without dissent.
7. To appoint Brian Salter-Duke as the Public Officer.
- Moved - Stephen
- Seconded - Daniel
Carried without dissent.
8. To affirm the interim committee members (Brianna, Charles, Daniel, John, Nathan, Sarah, Stephen) to serve until the first AGM.
- Moved - Isaac
- Seconded - Craig
- Nathan - abstained. (via proxy)
- Peter in Sydney - abstained.
Otherwise carried.
9. Any other business.
- Peter in Sydney - motion to thank Wikimedia Foundation for their support.
- Brian spoke about how he sees incorporation working. Our inaugural AGM will likely be held in early July even if Consumer Affairs is extremely rapid in approving our rules.
- Sarah - to thank Brian for his work with Consumer Affairs Vic, and Brianna for her work.
- Isaac asked about handling press. Brianna and Sarah responded that the interim committee will handle it.
10. Meeting declared closed.