Meeting:Special Committee (2011-12-29)
The meeting began at 15:07 hours (AEDST) on #wmau-comm (irc://irc.freenode/net/wmau-comm)
The special committee meeting was called to discuss sponsorship applications for January 2012 calendar events and also to receive reports.
- Attendance: Craig (Chair), Anne (up to 15:51 (AEDST)), Charles (from 3:05 PM AEST), Graham, Laura
- Apologies: Nil
- Absence: John
During the taking of attendance, Graham lost his connection and the Chair declared the meeting suspended due to a lack of quorum at 2:09pm AEST.
Graham reconnected at 2:33pm AEST and as a quorum was reached the meeting resumed with the Chair linking to the Agenda.
Chapter Grant Agreement Report
Craig informed the meeting that he had recently distributed the latest version of the proposed agreement to the committee, and that the agreement is functionally similar to previous agreements, with the addition of some localisation and the additional clauses requested by Wikimedia Australia. It was noted that our pro-bono legal advisor had indicated that the agreement was standard for an agreement of its type, and was therefore a sound agreement. Craig advised the meeting that the latest version of the agreement was an improvement on the earlier versions and recommended that the document be accepted.
Craig informed the meeting that John, per Wikimedia Australia's previously agreed Fundraising Principles, required the addition of a clause to the agreement, by committee, that Wikimedia Australia consider the fundraising agreement valid until such time as a grant is approved by the Wikmedia Foundation, and added that he agreed with this proviso.
Craig informed the meeting that previous motions of acceptance included words authorising the President to sign on behalf of the Chapter but as John was not in attendance, expressed a reluctance to move a motion worded in this manner.
The meeting discussed and expressed the opinion that a motion authorising John to sign it on behalf of the Chapter would be in order.
The Chair advised the meeting that authorisation be given to either John or Craig or Laura to sign the agreement. At this point in the proceedings Laura advised the meeting that she had been asked by John if she would be able to take on the role of acting President in January, and that she would sign the agreement if required.
Anne discussed and sought further clarification on Laura's announcement.
Craig put the following motion to the meeting:
"That the committee authorises and directs John Vandenberg or Laura Hale to sign the chapter grant agreement with the Wikimedia Foundation distributed by email on 29 December on behalf of the chapter, and forward it back to Barry Newstead at the Wikimedia Foundation. The committee reaffirms its prior position that we consider the previously signed fundraising agreement to be valid until such time as an acceptable chapter grant is approved by the Wikimedia Foundation."
Craig advised the meeting that he preferred John to sign it, adding that anyone can sign the agreement on behalf of the Chapter if the committee authorises it.
Anne informed the meeting that she had to leave the meeting and apologised for having to leave at this time. [Log: 02:51 PM (AEDST).
The chair suspended the meeting due to lack of a quorum.
A quorum was reached when Charles joined the channel at 3:05 PM (AEST) and the Chair resumed the meeting.
The Chair announced that the tabled motion on item 2.1 Chapter Grant Agreement Report is suspended. The motion was not seconded.
It was decided to put the motion as a resolution on the comm wiki and that Craig is to inform the committee when this is done.
WMAU Statement of Accounts Audit
Craig provided the committee with an update on the current state of the audit of the financial statements. Wikimedia Australia's current Auditor was nominated on the fundraising form at the time of applying to fundraise in NSW. This Auditor recently wrote to Wikimedia Australia indicating that Wikimedia Australia's request to undertake an audit had been discussed with the partners of the firm and that he would not be able to perform the audit for Wikimedia Australia within an acceptable timeframe and formally withdrew his and his firm's services.
Craig informed the meeting that he wrote to the responsible government department that manages charitable fundraising in NSW namely, Communities - Office of Liquor, Gaming & Racing (OLGR) on 13 December informing them of the situation, and requesting advice as to whether Wikimedia Australia could submit late, change auditors, and also sought advice on any other acceptable course of action. As no reply has been received to-date, a second follow-up email was sent to the government department.
It was noted that the relevant authority in Victoria, Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV), required a signed audit by the end of January 2012. Craig advised that CAV in Victoria and the relevant Queensland authority do not require pre-notification on WMAU's choice of Auditor therefore another Auditor can be engaged.
Discussions centered on engaging an auditor and submitting the audited financial statements to the relevant authorities.
It was agreed that the Chapter wait until the end of the first week of January for advice from OLGR and if no advice is received by that time appoint an Auditor to undertake an audit.
AdaCamp sponsorship application
The committee have received a small grant application from a member to attend AdaCamp in Melbourne on 14 January. While the committee supported the application, it was noted that the amount on the application exceeded the $200 maximum for small grants.
After some discussion, it was decided to support the member's request for airfares to the amount of $200 and support attendance at the AdaCamp's Girl Geek Dinner for the amount of $49.
Motion: That the member be granted $200 for transportation costs to attend AdaCamp in Melbourne an event Wikimedia Australia is sponsoring.
- Moved: Laura
- Seconded: Craig
- Support: Graham, Charles
Carried without dissent [Log: 03:24 PM (AEST)]
Motion: That [name redacted] be granted $49 to attend a Geek Girl dinner while she is in Melbourne.
- Moved: Laura
- Seconded: Charles
- Support: Graham, Craig
Carried without dissent [Log: 3:24 PM (AEST)]
RCCamp applications and grants progress report
Craig provided the committee with an update on the process of RCC Grant applications. It was noted that:
- Some disbursements have already taken place for the successful Grant applicants from the committee meeting held on 18 December; some are yet to be completed.
- One successful application from the committee meeting held on 18 December has a proviso in the motion from that meeting to the effect that approval be subject to the applicant securing a Wikimedia Foundation Participation Grant to cover airfares, which subsequently has been rejected by the Participation Grants Committee and therefore the applicant does not meet the provisions of the motion.
- The committee are aware of some Applicants who have yet to properly submit their applications to Wikimedia Australia and they will be advised of the correct procedure.
WMAU Public Meeting first Sunday of the month
The first Sunday of each month is the day on which the public meeting is held and as the first Sunday falls on the 1 January this year it was discussed whether better attendance would be gained by moving the public meeting forward a week.
Motion: That the regular WMAU public meeting for next month be moved from 1 January to 8 January
- Moved: Craig
- Seconded: Laura
- Support: Graham, Charles
Carried without dissent (Log: 3:40pm (AEST)]
Other Business
Australian Paralympic Committee - project meeting 15 January
Laura is to clarify and seek confirmation on attendance by Wikimedia Australia's invitees to the APC project meeting.