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Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums & Wikimedia: Finding the common ground
at the Australian War Memorial, Canberra, 6-7 August 2009
Contact - Liam Wyatt Press Release'

Published Recommendations on Meta-Wiki & PDF version


Representatives from the Australasian cultural sector came together with representatives from the Wikimedia community for a two-way dialogue to determine how to use the two communities' strengths to a mutual advantage.
  • why and how cultural institutions could work with Wikimedia projects; and
  • what Wikimedia needs to do to make collaboration easier and more effective.


Key stakeholders from the four industry groups - Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) across Australia and New Zealand as well as representatives of government, cultural funding organisations and peak representative bodies.

Attendees represented their institutions' copyright, web, sales, education and management departments. In all there were 170 attendees from all States and 50+ institutions.

Panelists on the "Politics & Policy" session


Hashtag: #GLAM-WIKI and PDF transcript of the hashtag with a total of 874 tweets & 93 contributors from August 4th to 11th.
Collection of bookmarks tagged GLAM-WIKI

Media reporting:

Blog posts:

Introductory Information - the why, how and what of the conference. All the preparatory information formerly seen on the main GLAM-WIKI page before the event.

Schedule of the event itself.



  • Kate Lundy - Labor Senator for the Australian Capital Territory. (transcript)
"Finding common ground"
  • Jennifer Riggs - Chief Program Officer, Wikimedia Foundation. (slides)
"Everything you wanted to know about Wikimedia but were too afraid to ask"
  • Liam Wyatt - Vice President, Wikimedia Australia and convener of GLAM-WIKI (transcript)
"Opening remarks"

Panel Sessions:

  • "Politics & Policy"
    • Senator Kate Lundy, ACT Labor. Member of the Communications and the Arts Senate Committee
    • Senator Scott Ludlum, WA Greens. spokesperson for Broadband, Communications & the Digital Economy
    • Alistair Coe, ACT Liberals, Legislative Assembly. Shadow minister for Heritage and Youth
    • Seb Chan, Powerhouse Museum and Gov2.0 Taskforce member
    • Paul Reynolds, Adjunct Director to the Digital Library of the National Library of NZ and the NZ National Digital Forum
    • Kylie Johnson, New Media Adviser, Department Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
    • Ian McDonald, Acting Director, Australian Copyright Council
  • "Closing remarks" - Jennifer Riggs, Mathias Schindler, Brianna Laugher, Liam Wyatt.

Law Stream:

  • Jessica Coates - Project Manager, Creative Commons Clinic. (slides)
"GLAM-WIKI: what libraries and archives can do"
  • Graham Greenleaf - Co-Director, AustLII. (slides)
"The Public Rights in Copyright"
  • Delia Browne - National Copyright Director, Ministerial Council for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs.
"Copyright and the rise of open content licensing"

Business Stream:

  • Seb Chan - Head of Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies, Powerhouse Museum.
  • Mathias Schindler - Project Manager, Wikimedia Deutschland (slides)
"The anatomy of a 100,000 image cooperation: German Federal Archives, Wikipedia and the greater picture"
  • James Matheson - Practice Manager, CustomWare Asia Pacific (slides)

Education Stream:

  • Paula Bray - Manager of Visual & Digitisation Services, Powerhouse Museum (slides)
"Access: unlocking our content - Flickr Commons + beyond"
  • Susanne Ton - Manager of Multimedia Production, Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (Video) (download)
  • John Quiggin - Professor of Economics, University of Queensland
  • Angelina Russo - Chief Investigator, Engaging with Social Media in Museums Australian Research Council project
  • Pru Mitchell - Senior Education Officer, (slides)
"An education view"

Technology Stream:

  • Rose Holley - Manager, Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program. (slides)
"Perspectives on National Library of Australia developments, part 1"
  • Kent Fitch - Lead System Architect, Australian Newspaper Digitisation Program. (slides)
"Perspectives on National Library of Australia developments, part 2"
  • Mathias Schindler - Project Officer, Wikimedia Deutschland (slides)
"The metadata ecosystem: moving records between Wikipedia and the German National Library"
  • Brianna Laugher - President, Wikimedia Australia
"Wikimedia Tech infrastructure" (slides)
"Wikimedia Commons: The media repository behind Wikipedia"

Partners & Supporters

Industry Partner
Corporate Partner



Region: ACT
Location: Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Share link: – or download calendar item (.ics)

Keywords: GLAM

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