Meeting:Committee (2009 February 08)

Revision as of 02:22, 3 December 2017 by Bidgee (talk | contribs)

Minutes of committee meeting 2009-2-8:

Opening: The meeting opened at 8:50PM AEDT.

Attendance: Brianna (Chair), Brian, John, Nathan (minutes), Sarah (partial)

Apologies: None


50th member

The committee discussed whether or not we should give our 50th member a gift. It was decided to defer the decision.

Banking update (Brian)

Brian is waiting for the form to arrive removing Stephen as a signatory and adding Brian. It is expected that Brian will receive the form on Monday.


Brian to lodge the change of signatory form with the bank.

Resolution: That our address at the bank be changed from Sarah's PO Box to Brian's address

  • Moved: Brian
  • Seconded: Nathan

Carried without dissent

Retreat update

The committee discussed attendance at the Retreat. Nathan has applied for leave, John is working on attendance. Open Day

The committee held a vote of thanks for Brianna, Karl, Angela and Tim who helped at the Open Day.

  • Moved: Brian
  • Seconded: John
  • Abstained: Brianna

Carried without dissent

Expenses update

Brianna has paid $15 for our hosting Image:Webhosting ASO invoice 3.png and $91.05 for materials for the Open Day.

Resolution: That we reimburse Brianna $106.05, being $15 for web hosting and $91.05 for materials for the open day in Hobart

  • Moved: Nathan
  • Seconded: John
  • Abstained: Brianna

Carried without dissent

Items Deferred

Discussion of two items was deferred:

  1. Relationship of Official-wiki to WM-AU on Meta
  2. Wikipedia Loves Art update, with a twist


The meeting was closed at 9:46PM

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