Meeting:2023 AGM/Minutes

Date: Sunday 6 August 2023
Time / time zone: 3pm AWST / 4.30 ACST / 5pm AEST
Meeting channel: Zoom


Chair: Amanda Lawrence

Attendees: Alex Lum, Amanda Lawrence, Ann Reynolds, Belinda Spry, Bunty Avieson, Elliott Bledsoe, Emily Mierisch, Kartika Sari Henry, Kelly Tall, Leanne Franklin, Melina Georgousakis, Peter Neish, Pru Mitchell, Sam Wilson, Sarah Frost, Toby Hudson, Tom Hogarth, Yohann Thomas

Apologies: Gideon Digby

Former Minutes

Minutes tabled from 2022 meeting:

Motion: That the minutes from the 2022 AGM be accepted. Moved: Alex Lum Seconded: Sam Wilson Accepted (carried without dissent)

Craig Franklin Award

The inaugural Craig Franklin Award was awarded to Franklin Women.

2023 President's Report

  • Our strategic plan is based on three strategic pillars: Engagement, Equity and Inclusion, Capacity Building with priorities to address gender, regional and Indigenous inclusion
  • We are grateful for the funding and support we recieve from the Wikimedia Foundation with funding provided for 3 years from 2022-2025
  • 72 events including monthly community meetings - currently have 67 members.
  • Created new content for our website, expanded our social media presence
  • Set up announce mailing list with nearly 500 subscribers
  • Supported 5 new Partner Projects and 3 Wikimedian residencies
  • Worked with major organisations including ACMI, State libraries of QLD and NSW, University of QLD and Sydney, UTS, RMIT, University of Divinity, Jumbunna Institute, Paroo Local Council, Franklin Women, ADM+S, Analysis & Policy Observatory, National Gallery of Australia, and many more.
  • Thanks to the 2022–23 Board
  • Thanks and farewell to Alex and Pru
  • Thanks to our staff Belinda, James and welcome to Alison and Alice

Membership report

  • Currently 67 members (down 1 member on 2022)

2023 Treasurer's report

  • $629,288.63 profit

Motion: That the President and Treasurer's reports be accepted.
Moved: Pru Mitchell
Seconded: Alex Lum
Accepted (carried without dissent)

Special Resolution to change the Wikimedia Australia Rules of Association

The WMAU Board propose two changes to the rules of Association to be voted on at a Special Resolution at the AGM.

  1. That Wikimedia Australia adopt the 2012 model rules with minor amendments
  2. That the Term of Office for committee members be extended to two years (and other minor amendments).
  • Resolution 1. That WMAU adopts the 2012 Model Rules for an Incorporated Association (Consumer Affairs Victoria) including current purposes of the Association (as per the attached rules).
    • Support: 13
    • Oppose: 1

Resolution 1 is carried 13–1.

  • Resolution 2. That the following amendments to the Term of Office for Committee members and other minor amendments be accepted.

The text to be adopted is in red below. These amendments are shown in red in the attached 2012 rules WMAU Rules of Association Revised 2023.pdf); or in Purple in the current WMAU Rules (Rules 20, 21 and 22).

    • Support: 14
    • Oppose: 0

Resolution 2 is carried 14–0.

There was one proxy vote.

Amended rules have been submitted to and approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV).

Committee 2023-24

Nominations for the 2023-2024 committee presented:

Position Name
President Amanda Lawrence
Vice President Bunty Avieson
Secretary Kelly Tall
Treasurer Peter Neish
General Member Elliott Bledsoe
General Member Tom Hogarth
General Member Emily Mierisch
General Member Jeremy Ludlow

Meeting closed: Sunday 6 August 2023, 6.00 pm AEST

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