Meeting:Committee (2011-10-16)
Start: 5PM - 7PM [Log: 15:03] AESDT on #wmau-comm (irc//
- Attendance: John (Chair), Anne (Minutes), Charles, Craig, Laura, Brian (Observer)
- Apologies: Graham
- Absences: Nil
John linked to the committee meeting agenda.
Extending Thanks
The committee expressed sincere thanks to the election candidates, Charles, Graham, Jutta, and Robert who put their names forward for the two positions on committee of ordinary member. Congratulations to the successful candidates, Charles and Graham.
Acceptance of the September minutes were carried unanimously by a committee Resolution on 25 September 2011
The practice of approving the minutes by resolution in the month preceding the AGM stems from the possibility of a change over committee and is done to ensure that the new committee would not need to approve minutes of a meeting that they did not attend.
Resolved that:
The Wikimedia Australia committee accepts the minutes of the September committee meeting.
- Support: John (moved), Anne (seconded), Craig, Adam, Andrew, Charles
- Oppose:
Incoming Correspondence report
The meeting discussed several items from the incoming correspondence that was received over the last month:
- John enquired into the reason provided for the applicant's membership resignation. The committee were informed that the applicant had advised he was unable to continue membership due to job commitments. A reply was sent directing the individual to check the WMAU website for information on obtaining an account for non-member participation on the public wiki.
- The committee reviewed a small grant request of $200 for a reference book to assist with Wiktionary work. An important consideration of administering our grant programs is that they be available to those who will deliver value to the movement, and Australian cultural content. Therefore an important aspect worthy of consideration is the need to match the work to Australian curriculum. The committee were keen to support the application, pending additional information provided by the applicant in terms of a measurable objective and an assurance that the work on Wiktionary will be Australian content. Anne is to advise the applicant of the committee's requirement.
- An Australian organisation sought permission to use photos from the website to be included in their information book; specialising in flora. John advised the meeting that Adam has responded to the group in regard to both attribution requirements and advice about free use policies.
- The committee discussed an application for membership received from a person whose address is Nigeria. The meeting advised the approval of the application, and sought the commencement of the newly revised and more comprehensive messaging now on the member database regarding acceptances of new applicants. The text asks approved members how they came to hear about Wikimedia Australia and what they hope the organisation can provide.
GLAMcamp Netherlands
Communication received from Liam regarding GLAMcamp Netherlands - inviting attendees and seeking financial support from the Chapter. Discussions centered on the difficulty of organising it just six weeks prior to commencement of the conference. The relative short timeline to receive notification was discussed, along with the impact of late notification on budgeting commitments. The committee agreed that should early notification be received for next year's camp, budgeting considerations would be in place, which would greatly assist the committee's deliberations. The committee discussed and welcomed the new WMF participation grant program and the possibility of Wikimedians obtaining funding from this source.
Election report
The meeting was advised that reports have been submitted by Brian, Anne, and John and are currently being redrafted as a collaborative report that ultimately will be published.
John highlighted the returning officer's report regarding the voting, and the three recommendations in the report: two requiring rule changes and one other recommending a working group be established to examine proposed changes to rules. The meeting discussed the possibility of convening a working group, and John recommended something along the lines of the recent strategic planning sub-committee.
The proposed rule changes recommend the 'Returning Officer' be made a position for the purpose of the Rules, and to define the role and responsibilities of the returning officer in relation to the outcome of elections.
John outlined a request received for a donation to Computerbank thanking them for their support by providing their venue and facilities for the Melbourne AGM. Further it was noted that Computerbank have generously provided the facilities for WMAU general meetings since 2008. Further discussion on the item included that it is not our usual practice to donate to non-profits who provide goods and services to WMAU; Charles noting that donating to NPO's whose facilities we use seems reasonable; also that 'hiring' fees are generally expensive; and finally the need to establish a list of available venues for meetups on a Saturday. John rounded off the discussion indicating a resolution be placed on the wiki for a $100 gift thanking Computerbank for the venue over the last four years.
Small grant requests before the AGM
- Melbourne did not incur any expenses;
- Brisbane did not incur any expenses;
Committee change over
Meeting times
The meeting times are currently:
- First Sunday each month, 17:00 AEST start (no set duration)
- Third Sunday each month, 15:00 AEST start (maximum 2 hours)
John sought clarification on the suitability of the current times for the new committee and those present confirmed the suitability of commencement times. Graham's confirmation will be sought prior to finalising the meeting times.
Bank signatories
John informed the committee of the need to consider at least another bank signatory, outlining the WMAU Rules of Association, Rule #32. Funds, which stipulate that all cheques must be signed by two committee members, adding that we traditionally prefer to have additional signatories as emergency backup. As we have two bank signatories in Craig and Anne business can proceed, in the meantime we need to update the present signatories.
Craig informed the meeting that the approval of e-payment signatories will require an RSA hardware or software token, and advised the meeting that he will enquire as to whether tokens can be transferred to another person. John canvassed the committee for banking signatory volunteers and Charles confirmed his interest.
The meeting discussed and put forward names for additional signatories. Craig informed the meeting that policy on segregation of duties does not preference a president as signatory to cheques. Discussion queried the procedural reasons attending this practice. Craig advised the meeting that Graham be selected as an emergency signatory; details to be clarified, and also that an RSA token be organised for Anne who as a signatory can sign cheques but presently cannot approve EFTs.
Brian advised the meeting of the need to report the changes to the appropriate fundraising authorities. Craig responded that this can easily be done online.
Motion: "That the bank signatories are changed to be Craig, Anne, Charles and Graham thereby removing Adam and Brian and adding Charles and Graham."
- Moved: John
- Seconded: Craig
- Support: Anne, Laura
- Carried without dissent
Micronesia Project
John informed the meeting that Laura, as a Wikimedia Australia member, has been contacting organisations in Oceania, and that it would be beneficial to indicate that the organisation supports her, particularly now as vice president of WMAU.
Laura explained that the goal of the Oceania project is to undertake training programs, in classrooms, schools, and universities, on the use of WMF related projects. The plan is to get meetings set up in consultation with GLAMs and generally discuss how to support them; and to include a pictorial account of the program. In response to Craig's question about the locality, Laura explained the creation of a pilot program in Micronesia (the Marshall Islands, and the Federated States of Micronesia) eventually expanding to Polynesia and Melanesia.
Presently this means no monetary support, rather a 'go you good thing' type of support along the lines of a letter endorsing the project, as was recently given to accompany the tender of the "History of the Paralympic Movement in Australia" project, for the Australian Paralympic Committee.
RecentChangesCamp 2012
John opened discussion on the Recent Changes Camp 2012, advising support for a resolution on the budget allocation of $10,000 for travel grants; and under similar conditions as last year's travel scholarships for attendees. (see Meeting:Committee (2011-01-09)#Recent_Changes_Camp) Discussion was on finding a sponsor for a food budget. Last year's food budget was $2000 paid by the University of Canberra National Institute of Sport Studies (UCNISS). Laura identified other potential sponsors that need to be followed up; and John spoke about the merit of finding small sponsors for amounts of $500, and that he would follow-up through his network.
Motion: That Wikimedia Australia will make available $10,000 to assist people wishing to attend Recent Changes Camp, Canberra 2012, with preference given to members but that non-members may also apply.
- Moved: John
- Seconded: Anne
- Support: Laura, Craig, Charles,
- Carried without dissent
Meeting closed
17:00 hours AESDT [Log: 17:06]