Meeting:Committee (2013-07-21)
There was a Wikimedia Australia committee meeting on 21 July 2013. It started at 3:12pm AEST.
- Attendance: Craig, Kerry, John, Graham, Steve
- Apologies: Charles (observer)
- Absences: Ross (observer)
Craig thanked everyone for their work on the committee. In particular, he thanked G. White for her report of the Hungary meeting and and the Wikimedia Australia members who discussed proposals both on the list and on the wiki.
- Motion
- That the Minutes of the meeting held on 16 June be accepted
- Moved
- Craig
- Seconded
- Steve
Carried without dissent
Membership report
There have been two new members, one of whom was a returning member. There have been $500 worth of renewals (about 25 members worth).
For John to send a reminder email about renewals.
Activity reports
Motion: the committee takes note of Craig's report about his trip to Western Australia for Freopedia and G. White's report about her attendance of the Program Evaluation and Design workshop in Budapest.
- Moved
- John
- Seconded
- Craig
Carried without dissent
These motions do not necessarily mean that the reports are to be published. Craig is happy to have His published, but we should ask G. White whether she would prefer for her report to be published or whether she should make another version for public consumption.
Correspondence report
Two hours ago, we received an email from the Australian Tax Office confirming our exemption from income tax as a non-profit. We also received an email from an ex-member asking to be removed from the members mailing list and an offer from a conference centre to host Wikimania that we politely declined.
Finance report
There are some items in the mastercard without receipts.
Program activity report
The linkage grant was approved by the Australian Research Council. There will be a meeting about it in early August in Brisbane. We should discuss precisely which topics should be worked on, to align it with our objective. The research database would also be important for this project.
Museum Victoria
Steve said he met with Tim about a possible Wikimedian in residence program. They would like to relicense some content to Creative Commons. They would also like assistance to find a suitable candidate for a Wikimedian in Residence. It was suggested that we follow Wikimedia UK's example in this regard.
State Library of Queensland
The State Library of Queensland (SLQ) are encouraging users to transcribe SLQ materials on Wikisource. John is thinking of showing them how to upload material directly. He was thinking of giving them the SLQ bot username and password, and there was general agreement that this was a good idea.
It was pointed out that it would be good to have metrics on this project. John noted that the volume one of the Gallipoli project has been proofread but not verified.
For John to send the link to the books to the Wikimedia Australia lists
Queensland Museum
Kerry, Craig, and Anna from the SLQ met with the Queensland Museum to set up a similar project.
Charity regulations
It was determined that the returning officer should be tasked with finding out if a user nominated for the committee is eligible under charity regulations.
Establishment of conflict of interest register
It was determined that the conflict of interest register should be placed on the comm wiki and should be overseen by the secretary.
For Craig to modify the committee's internal "changing committee" page to note this new procedure.
Documenting policies and processes
Kerry noted that the committee's policies and processes should be better documented on-wiki.
Steve to review policies and processes and determine what might be missing
Evaluation framework
Craig noted that he had had a meeting with the Wikimedia Foundation about hiring someone to write an evaluation framework.
Procurement subcommittee
Matt, John, Ross and Gnangarra have applied to be on the procurement subcommittee and the committee has no problem with these applications. Steve also volunteered to be on the committee.
- Motion
- That Matt Hanson, Gnangarra, John Vandenberg, Steve Zhang, and Ross Mallett are appointed to the procurement subcommittee.
- Moved
- John
- Seconded
- Craig
Carried without dissent
It was noted that an email should be sent to the public mailing list once the appointments are finalised.
Wheatbelt project
It was noted that the proposal, to create a WikiProject about the Western Australian Wheatbelt, needs more detail. Craig noted that the Shire of Toodyay, which is in that region, was very interested in working with Wikipedia. Concerns were expressed about the impact of the Wheatbelt project on Freopedia, which still needs considerable work. There were also concerns about the overlap between the Wheatbelt project and Wikimedia Australia's already existing regional training program.
It was suggested that Wikimedia Australia help out with more Fremantle Wikipedia workshops, especially with advertising.
For Craig to contact Gnangarra and Sam Wilson about this subject.
Kerry Raymond as vice-president
Craig congratulated Kerry for being unanimously appointed to the vice-president position. There was discussion about appointing someone to the vacant ordinary member position who has a skillset that is absent from the current committee.
- Emailing about the upcoming AGM: Since the date is in doubt, Craig hasn't brought it up; but he's indicated that rule changes should be discussed now rather than at the AGM.
- Kerry to create 2013 AGM timeline: Done; everyone else should check it for the next meeting
- Kerry to create an edit training survey: available at Edit_Training_Survey for feedback
- John to email SLQ about Wikipedian in Residence: not done
- Steve to email members, asking for comments about the 2014 annual plan (based on the round 2 FDC application): done.
- Craig to write to James Alexander about use of the merchandise: done, but James is no longer working in merchandise.
The meeting was closed at 5:37 pm.