WikiCite is a community of projects (and people, and events) working to build the corpus in Wikidata through ‘open citations’ of publications, and in particular, scholarly journal articles, that can then be used across Wikimedia platforms. Funded by the Sloan Foundation, it is now among the most popular projects in Wikidata.
For this month's community meeting, WikiCite’s Program Manager Liam Wyatt will be joining us online from Italy as well as Australian Wikipedian Margaret Donald, who will demonstrate how she uses WikiCite in both visual and source editor, with an occasional foray into Wikidata. Then Wikimedia Australia President Alex Lum will preview WikidataR, a package (software extension) for the R programming language.
Updates from Wiki Loves Earth and 1Lib1Ref to follow.
All welcome!Region: National
Location: Online
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Keywords: Community meetings · WikiCite