Meeting:Committee (2015-02-16)

Committee meeting

16 February 2015

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

  Wikimedia Australia Inc.
Monday 16 February 2015, 20:00 AEDST
  • Start: 20:15 AEDST; 17:15 AWST (West Coast)


  • Attendance: Steve, Gideon (left 21:21), Michael, Charles, Pru, Kerry, Andrew
  • Apologies: Craig
  • Absences


The minutes of the 2 February meeting be accepted:
  • Moved: Steve
  • Second: Michael
  • Carried without dissent.

Actions from previous meeting

  • Michael has asked Adam to send through the full backup via Google drive, waiting for this.
  • Michael uploaded Reports (needs some decoration), and we have BASes.
  • Michael has been in contact with Adam this week.

Correspondence report

Correspondence report

  • 4 applications for admin contractor
  • SLQ partnerhip assessment form - Kerry circulated draft response
  • Camera support - Gideon to follow up applicant re future intentions

Finance report

December 2014:

  • Balance as of 31 December: $67,869
  • Donations: $350 in four donations, all mentioned in the 14th Dec finance report.
  • One set of membership fees: $10 from Michal Lewi.
  • Received a $230 refund received from the ATO, as expected. Our next BAS will be due in March.

January 2015:

  • Balance as of 31 January: $67,876
  • A very quiet month. No donations or memberships.
  • Our debit card expired, so the usual outgoings are expected to come through as an expense claim from Craig.
  • Thanks to Craig for covering our Google Apps, and refreshing the bank feed on short notice today.


  • Discussion around the wiki and backups
  • Reports retrieval - need them for registration for Berlin and any funding
    • Adam has sent through some finance reports and has recovered but yet to send Steve copies of the presidents report which constituite our annual report (summary) and will send tonight
    • Mike has a good collection of recent (this-year) BASes and cash summaries saved in Xero (October Cash Summary sank with the wiki, otherwise no gaps)
  • Robert Myers VSP application - funding motion
For the purposes of attending the Australian International Airshow in Melbourne, Robert Myers will have his travel, accommodation and other reasonable expenses as per the travel policy covered by Wikimedia Australia, whether by direct payment by Wikimedia Australia or through reimbursement, up to the amount of $500. As per the terms of the Volunteer support program (VSP), a report documenting the outcomes of the event must be submitted to the committee within 60 days.
  • Moved: Steve
  • Second: Gideon
  • Abstain: Michael
  • Carried without dissent.
  • WMAU Administrative assistance applications
    • Applications were discussed. Questions will be drafted and phone interviews will be set up with the potential candidates. Interviews will be conducted and decision made before/at the next comm meeting.
  • Conference update
  • Berlin (WM Conf)
That Steve Zhang and Kerry Raymond are nominated as WMAU's representatives to the WM Conf in Berlin in May 2015. WMAU to cover reasonable costs associated according to the travel policy that are not covered by the WMF on presentation of receipts.
  • Moved: Charles
  • Second: Pru
  • Support: Michael, Craig, Gideon (both via email)
  • Abstain: Kerry, Steve, Andrew
  • Carried without dissent.
  • ACTION: Charles to email Craig and Gideon to confirm their vote on this motion, and advise results
  • ACTION: Following confirmation Steve and Kerry to register

Next meeting Monday 2 March 20:00 AEDST

Meeting closed 21.55 AEDST

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