Meeting:Committee (2015-08-17)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
Wikimedia Australia Inc. | ||
Monday 17 August 2015, 20:00 AEST |
Meeting opened at 20:13
- Present: Steve, Gideon, Mike, Andrew, Charles
- Apologies: Kerry
- Absent: Pru, Craig (to discuss)
Gideon left at 20:45
Previous minutes
Finance report
- Outstanding reimbursements
- ACTION: Mike to send cash summary w/o bendigo balance as information for comm list. (delivered verbally, been updating accounts for BAS due end of August)
- ACTION: Mike to contact Craig about getting exported statement from Bendigo.
Incoming correspondence
- Suncorp Aug 6 "Wiki Projects"
- ACTION: Steve to reply to this request for information
- Radio National- discussion in progress.
- Leave of absence request from Craig - Committee discussed and approved the request.
- ACTION: Steve to notify Craig that this is approved.
- Discussion regarding Branches proposal and feedback received
- only positive responses to the email, committee to tidy and refine wording in preparation for commttiee approval in September, with a possible endorsement at of community at AGM
- Melb meetup report
- Women in architecture project
- ABC RN schools project
- 7 attendees
- ACTION: Mike to report about meetup on blog.
- Discussion regarding Branches proposal and feedback received
General business
- interpretation Australia conference --
- Note in-principle support, noting that there is available budget for WikiTowns.
- ACTION: Gideon to track down some costs
- Possible Tue 20 Oct meetup.
Andrew notes that he will be unable to access Skype for a few weeks (late September/early October).
Next meeting: 6 Sep? Meeting closed: 20:58 AEST