Meeting:Committee (2016-05-23)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
Wikimedia Australia Inc. | ||
Monday 23 May 2016, 19:00 AEST |
Meeting opened at 19:05
- Present: Gideon, Pru, Andrew, Charles, Robert, Tom, Steve
- Apologies:
Previous minutes
- Note: 9 May meeting was cancelled.
Business arising
- F2F accomodation booking for Sorrento Quay, -- DONE note:changed to Country Comfort Inner City Hotel in Belmont as per email discussion cost $1050 for a 3 bedroom appartment, Steve, Charles, Robert to share which will also double as the meeting venue (see also General Business) ACTION: Agenda Gideon to finalise
- NT Library -- accommodation booked at The Cavanagh (500m from Library) cost $1312 or $656 each, Robert's flights to be arranged by Gideon and Andrew through Flight centre this week, along with the F2F flights. Gideon shared an overview of the activities.
- ACTION: Andrew and Gideon to meet at Flight Centre to book both sets of flights.
- ACTION: Gideon Post details and dates/times on upcoming events
- COI & ethics policy updates, note possibly redundant to changes to rules proposed for SGM - Let lapse
- WMConf reports.
- Steve reporting: high level focus not directly relevant
- new funds process
- raised Wikimania on individual basis - sense that WMF not certain of future Wikimania process [1]
- ACTION: Steve to post written report asap
- Andrew reporting:
- Submitted report to committee 4 May.
- first day workshop too short but good for terminology being used ("Impact", "Logic models", "Theories of change")
- funding not an easy prospect, especially for conferences (but is for smaller impactful activities)
- got same impression as Steve on Wikimania
- QRpedia - no progress. ACTION: Andrew contact Sam Wilson with contact details on QRpedia UK
Evaluation of the local briefing session - clarity of expectations. Minuting these expectations would improve understanding. Issues: Timeliness of feedback from events - unavailability requires formal email or request explaining length of absence
- F2F - Discussion occurred about the objectives and value of the planned face to face meeting. It was agreed that the meeting would focus on building project plans, grant applications and refining committee processes, as well as ensuring a quorum for the Special General Meeting. Andrew requested that his concerns on value for money of the f2f be noted for the record
- Rio paralympics update - Wikimedia Australia nominee Robert and Ross Mallett (Hawkeye7)
- Wikimania funding - Gillian and Sam. ACTION: Gideon to notify Sam. Pru notified Gillian of guidelines
$50,557.80 in the bank and $1,430.52 in Paypal - now I finally have access to Paypal, I am working to get Paypal and the Westpac accounts connected so we can move the latter into the former. Should we keep a Paypal float in case we want to use it as a payment method? Payment from Indonesia was received in April - they put in extra to anticipate bank fees so we got $1686. Bendigo Bank account needs to be closed.
ACTION: Andrew to transfer Paypal funds.
Bendigo Bank - 2 signatories are Steve and Craig. ACTION: Steve to communicate with Craig to close account
- last new members approved on 28th March
- We presently have 48 financial members. 18 have renewed since the 1 May invoices (including two committee members), 1 has emailed not renewing.
- The email list has been harmonised with the membership database and members without invoices for 2017 have been invoiced
- CiviCRM - haven't been able to do as CiviCRM was down until Saturday. Some thought needed as to how we use our systems as redundancy of data an issue, especially as everything on Xero and CiviCRM has to be manually entered.
- Various correspondence noted. ACTION: Steve to contact Monash Uni contact.
General Business
- ASBS resolved
- Michael -email re: security update, CiviCRM,
F2F Agenda - 11-12 June 2016
AGENDA ITEMS F2F 11-12 June 2016
- Order of business
- to plan the visit/tour of a speaker identified at Berlin
- plan a national conference for wikimedians based on lessons learnt,
- submit a funding application for this
- SGM Sat 11 June 4pm AEST / 3:30pm ACST / 2pm AWST
- WA Group meetup Sat 11 June evening and Noongarpedia anniversary?
- training / walk through on Xero for the current comm members (with relation to coding claims etc)
- annual/strategic/project planning
- AGM planning
- additionally I would like to clear out all outstanding matters around committee that have been carried through committee meetings for a few months.
- membership consolidation
- regional partnership policy
Next meeting: Saturday 11 June 2016 (face to face) Meeting closed: 20:46 AEST