Meeting:Committee (2017-07-17)

Committee meeting

17 July 2017

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

WMAu comm meeting 170717

Chair:Robert Robert

Opened: Present:Gideon, Tom, Pru, Caddie



accept the minutes of the previous meeting Moved: Pru Seconded: Gideon Passed

matters arising

Gideon walked committee through the draft APG budget calculations for 2018. Goal is to start the application by September 2017 to cover 2018 plan
Gideon will add Vic to WikiClub line

Gideon clarified that APG funding means no further grant applications as a chapter that year ACTION: Gideon will contact Winifred WMF to show budget and seek advice on plan

  • Tom to visit Bendigo branch in Perth and determine what is required next. Then organise transfer to Westpac with Gideon and possibly require Graeme Pearce - Done
  • Tom overdue reports - strategy and wa branch issues
  • Google Apps - held off during the Pash issue
- Robert will action when appropriate

Treasurer Report

    • note payment of 78.85 expenses to Robert awaiting 2nd sig in Westpac

As at 4pm AEST 17 July 2017 PayPal: $301.87 Bank acc: $31,669.74 Credit card: $350.70

I had originally requested to the Committee to have Craig to get statments that would be for the period between Dec 2016 to March 2017, though after some thought I wasn't satisfiled with the responce from Steven regarding past statements (which were not kept) being $0 balance and my request would need to be extended to Oct 2015. Since this would require six statements, rather than the one or two that I had originally thought we may need to track back the amount of $97.44, the cost would be too much (6x5 = $30) therefore my request is rescinded. I have added this into Xero as an anon donation instead. I've manually added the ATO payments dating back to 2015, plus the $100 (likely donation), so for the first time Bendigo on Xero is now showing $0 (as all funds have been transferred to the Westpac account)!

Bank account details on the ATO have been fixed! All future BAS payments will be paid into the Westpac acc.

I also audited the Xero amounts in some reports. Doing so found some amounts that required action, some have been delt with (eg cash in hand showed that we had $60, but didn't). Need to look at "Withholding Tax Withheld" in liabilities and "Accumulated Equity from Previous Financial Year" in Equity (as both of the amounts has been there since 2012) further. The "Accumulated Equity from Previous Financial Year" seems to be the amount that was raised from the fundrasing and states it is for the 2011/12 financial year, so it should no longer be showing on our Balance Sheet.

Topup is required for the credit card, as the accom (already booked) for Tom's Wikimaina trip will come out during his trip and not prior. Also needing Tom's expenses ASAP, since I need to reconcile Xero for BAS which is due on the 28 July.

Secretary Report

Cav issue has been resolved and no overdue fee involved at this stage The outgoing Secretary is responsible for reporting to CAV within the required timeframe Minutes on etherpad will be moved into com - Tom to Action

Strategy Report

Meta report of Australian involvement in cycle 2 accepted and included in report to movement in general ACTION: Tom to post link to this report in Minutes Stage 3 noted but not fully involved with each component

Membership Report

1 new member: Steve Bennett - paid for 5 years

Bill Browne - Joined Dec Peter Farrell - Joined Sept Norman Aitken - Joined Sept Troy Holbrook - Joined Sept Clare Spring - Joined Sept Sebastian Reategui - Joined in Mar 17


  • Chris Pash - Response to Gideon's email

"Good to hear from you. Can you point a the exact bit in the article which is incorrect, please? And this bit is new – are you saying you had no involvement in the fair use campaign on Wikipedia? If this is the case, who exactly is responsible? If it was the “volunteer editing community” … didn’t you have a say?" Article now states "The local Australian organisation is Wikimedia Australia, a registered charity run by volunteers. (EDS: Business Insider previously reported that Wikimedia Australia runs Wikipedia locally. Wikimedi Australia, which previously declined to comment, now says it does not.)"

Pash campaign has now decentralised to writers groups in each state and is utilising pashes article as an 'update'
No further action required


Patrick Lyons - Changed credit cards but doesn't want to use PayPal Grant Walls - Question about donations Ian Forbes - Question how to make a donation ACTION: Robert will respond to each of these

General Business

  • AGM date - Sunday 8th October 2017 1300 wst 1600 est 1430 cst
  • wikimania - 4 known attendees from Australia at this stage - 1 full funded (Tom), 1 half funded,(Kerry)

1 WMF employee (Sam), and one self funded (Graham87) and his mother Discussion about Wikimedia l

  • WikiclubWest - SLWA. See meta for the details content over weekend re NAIDOC week languages issue

Suggestion that wikiclubs are adequately linked and documented on com for the very varying format and style full report on the library involvement will be made after Montreal ACTION: Tom or Sam to connect and WikiClub pages Maintenance issue re social media - to share passwords and details in event of changes

Melbourne - Pru reported on- - Uni Melbourne Researchers edit-a-thon planned for Friday 25 August ResearcHERs @ UoM Wikipedia edit-a-thon - SLV, WikiClub conversations - Wikiversity portal for Teacher education global evidence-based practice

  • Noongarpedia - Gideon to Albany. Wikibomb 6 August 7 August
  • WLE results - Gideon contacted - to be done by 31st
  • WLM -

Meeting closed: 9:50 PM

   next meeting:31 July 2017 
   AGENDA ITEMS: GO through Committee wiki and check for handover instructions
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