Meeting:Committee (2019-03-03)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
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Wikimedia Australia Inc. | |
- Date: Sunday 3 March 2019
- Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 7pm AEDT
- Meeting channel: Skype
- Attendees: Pru, Tom, Gideon, Sam
- Apologies: Robert, Steve
Minutes of previous meeting
- Date of previous meeting: Monday 18 February 2019
- Link to minutes of previous meeting:
- Moved: Sam
- Second: Pru
Business arising and actions
WMAU Statement of Principles regarding indigenous communities ACTION: To discuss / edit on comm wiki up to the 22nd February so as to be able to put into newsletter, Published: Action: Tom to send to MIke (NZ), Asaf, posted onto Website (done), Newsletter Action: still to happen (check with Caddie if she still doing newsletter)
Conference planning
Community event following WOW conference (Wed 12 - Fri 14 June 2019) In-person meeting 2019 ACTION:
- Motion carried over: The WMAU plans for a community conference 15 & 16 June 2019 at the University of Sydney.
- Robert seek further details from Uni Sydney
- Conversation about choice from last meeting - facilities
- and other details for conversation between Pru and USyd people
- Offers dependent upon what USyd vs SLNSW - as to direction
Survey of Australian editors
ACTION: Tom and Pru to draft survey, and report by 18 Feb - not yet finalised
separation of teaser from longer
discussion about the scope/range of logged in users vs ‘everybody’
responses - issues raised
banner is relatively simple -
- - only logged in english wikipedia
- - short survey
- - short survey - with responders followed up with longer survey if they ask
- Action: Tom and Pru to create a ‘teaser’ short query from a banner to precede the main survey. DRAFT at: long survey
- Gideon to assist in creating Banner (with Tasmania included),
- not what I understood the discussion to be but ok I can create a banner.
put banner together - refer to wmf for double check?
- discussion regarding banner/central notice at Meta -
Midterm report Simple APG
ACTION on feedback
- Metrics reporting - include notes in report as to where metrics are coming
- Financial report - include variation notes in report
- Action: Pru and Robert - pending
- The following areas of 2018-19 WMAU budget do not have requests for funding and action is required.
- COMMUNITY SUPPORT $5,400 shortfall
- Suggestions
- WikiClub WA $1,500 Metrics: Number of events, New pages, new eds, retained eds, events, strengthen community connections & collaborations, supports editor retention. QUESTION: Does Digitisation proposal enable these metrics? - (Pru) nothing to do with current issues - was allocated prior to the current funding arrangement.
- day visits to regional centres to engage with local community, costs hiring a mini bus, eg Toodyay, Jarrahdale, York
- WikiClub NT $1,500 Metrics: Number of events, Total attendees, Edits, New pages
- WikiClub QLD $1500 Metrics: Number of events, Total attendees, References, New pages SUGGEST: Ask State Library Queensland/Kerry for proposal for this
NSW & VIC $1500 Metrics: Number of events, Total attendees, References, New pages - RECOMMEND: Use towards Venue Hire/Catering for NSW event Sat 15 June 2019
- OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT $4,000 shortfall
- Membership and donors: Recruitment of members and regular donors Strategy for marketing advice to prepare for / scope a campaign $800 RECOMMEND: Organise external advice. Increase to $1000
- Strategy work: Research partnership Movement strategy / research into Indigenous community $800 RECOMMEND: Organise external advice. Increase to $1000
- $2000 remaining SUGGEST: Allocation to Wiki Towns QR code programming?
- Proposals for an earlier Face to Face that might utilise change of allocation and direction for community engagement and support - Action - Tom to write up by 11th March
Bank signatory
Publish minutes for last meeting including Motion - Secretary - will do this week Steve Crossin added as a signatory to the Wikimedia Australia Bank - Treasurer & Steve (ongoing, have been busy with other matters)
- 2019-20 Plan and grant preparation - Due end March
- ACTION: Draft to Delphine
- Suggestions
- QR codes resolution
- GLAM Peak follow up online modules
- paid facilitator for training activities, coordinator outreach and engagement, reporting, social media
- ACTION: Pru to set meeting time for meeting with Delphine between 11-15 March
- Media accreditation and funding attendance at events
- reporting that the volunteer efforts are now exceeding capacity
- of the volunteers, there is need to consider a need a paid employee of some description to focus on the communication and co-ordinate requests for assistance from WMAU
- project support / biota/music/newspapers
- Organisation / Partner program
- ACTION: Gideon to follow up legally drafted template for organisational partnerships
- Done spoke with lawyer friend currently being drafted
- Scanner purchase
- ACTION: WIkiClubWest to obtain 2 quotes
- meeting of wiki club west - further details clarified on weekend at meeting
- quotes being obtain not yet available will email when we have them
REPORTS - as needed
President's report
- Caddie’s resignation and co-opting interim committee members
- discussion of status - and record and accept resignation
- with allowance of observer status and retain email address
- Presentation to Geelong & District Historical Society, Sat 9 Feb - load of images requested
- SA History Trust Pattypan load and Edit-a-thon, Sat 18 May 2019
- Meeting with Paralympics Australia, 4 March
- Meeting with University of Sydney
- Meeting with GovHack (GovHack is 6 - 8 Sep 2019)
- Wikimedia Summit and Chairperson’s meeting (28-31 March)
Secretary's report
- Junk correspondence in contact email - reportable or not?
- Formal external links and -ls - what goes to pres/vic pres and then to committee
- Pru: [WM-Chairpersons]
- Volunteer Support Programme Applications - funding approval
- - motion for attendance at Avalon Air show - reporting due within one month - with particular attention to outreach and engagement including media accreditation for future events
- Moved: Pru
- Seconded:Gideon
- passed (confirmed by email by Caddy, Sam abstained)
- procedural - sent acknowledged application - procedural matters followed
- Approval process required before expenditure
- Reporting requirement - event booking required
- Tom - --- volunteer support programme documentation needs updating on com
- Accreditation information from WMAU for volunteers -
- process and policy required to be dealt with at face to face
- Model of committee members as links to community groups - face to face item
- Meeting agenda/minutes issue/organisation - face to face agenda item - on going
- Overloaded agendas - face to face agenda item - on going
- Long term issues unresolved due to lack of Face to face meetings - on going
- Strategy Liaison
- Strategy link with regional issues - possible ESEAP linkage - in process as to how
Correspondence report
- email - received - $5000 estimate
- support - Gideon further discussions required -
- links - to suggested persons -
Treasurer's report
Current Account balances: Westpac: , CC $ PayPal: $ Income:
APG tracking:
Membership report
- no membership applications since last meeting
Communications report
- Newsletter March 2019 - action Tom and Caddie to work on this
- This Month in GLAM - February due 6 March 2019
Technical report
- T199606 Create system to track event data
Local activities
- ANU training, April 2019
- QWiki Club
- Art+Feminism edit-a-thon, Griffith
- UTS Knowledge Managers Seminar, Mon 4 March
- City of Sydney Libraries training, June
- SA
- History Trust SA, Edit-a-thon, Sat 18 May [GLAM Peak follow up]
- Art+Feminism edit-a-thon, Richmond Library Sat 9 March
- National Trust public art wiki training, Tues 7 May
- WA
- Wikipedian in Residency at Museum of Perth - stage - March 2019 - June 2019
- WikiClubWest - 2019-2020 year plan and strategy for group - outline in April 2019
- Wheatbelt and Wheatbelt Railway projects re-started - March 2019 +
- Music Project (proposed) - preliminary discussions - April 2019 +
- Maritime-people wiki training (AAMH) - March 2019 +
National activities
Global activities
- Meeting closed:
- Next meeting: Monday 18 March 2019 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 7.00pm ACT/NSW/VIC
- Delphine meeting : TBC