Meeting:Committee (2020-03-24)

Committee (2020-03-24)
Normal monthly Committee meeting. Committee members and observers only.

Region: National
Location: Online

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Committee meeting

24 March 2020

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

Meeting channel: BigBlueButton


Date: Tuesday 24 March 2020
Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6pm QLD / 7pm AEDT
Meeting channel:


Attendees: Alex, Pru, Sam, Robert, Matt, Caddie
Apologies: Steve

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

  • That the minutes of the 3 March 2020 meeting be accepted.
Moved: Pru
Seconded: Alex
To be published to public wiki

Business arising and actions

ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below



President's report

Survey - review members’ responses - recommend merging questions

*link redacted*

Pru to follow up with banner ad -
Partnerships - legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page
Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting

ACTION: Caddie to discuss partnership endorsement with Franklin Women. - Caddie to record the agreement on WMAU Wiki

For future partnerships: good to insist on WMAU being mentioned as a supporter/partner.
Emails to be copied to commwiki. - Double check to see if they have been copied

Midterm report: Metrics are done. Awaiting financial report

Currently over 50% done. Financial report not yet available (will show that we’ve underspent; more claims still to come). Need more reporting of events, linking to criteria from the annual plan. We’ve had an extension to the end of March, but should be done by the end of the week.

ACTION: Robert to assist Steve with the BAS statements

Learning pattern: WMAU Community Meeting, new for first half of this year.
Program story: regular newsletter.

Lodged ACNC report on behalf of Secretary. Same information as from the AGM. Tracking reasonably well governance-wise, but we have room to improve.

Research proposals
LIEF grant: Swinburne lead institution
Special Research Initiative: UTS lead institution

Wikimedia Australia would be involved in a few different ways: Editors would be interviewed about their experiences for the project; Members would participate in the workshops (we’ve said we’ll do them in three states right now but that may be too much given the size of the project grant, so perhaps two workshops). The workshops are where we’ll present the findings and collaboratively develop a document that sets out what those findings mean for Wikimedia Australia to more effectively engage with underserved groups in the representation of events. The other issue is that of Wikidata: if we do map the Auschron database to Wikidata, then we may need help cleaning up the mappings, something we’d be grateful for help with if there are editors who would be interested in this. Wikimedia Australia would get a few things out of it: An extension of the current strategy work you’re already undertaking but in consultation with stakeholder groups Improved content in a few articles Research into the systemic reasons for gaps in the representation of underserved groups that goes beyond the identity of editors to the tools and policies employed by editors to do their work (some of which could be enhanced to improve engagement) A framework for evaluating gaps in the coverage of Australian topics on Wikipedia that could be evaluated on an annual basis to demonstrate progress.

ACTION: What is exactly in-kind, update Wikimedia Foundation to WMAU and reword the data contribution. Are we represented at research planning meetings? Who would that be? MOTION: In principle on review of the final draft submission, Wikimedia Australia will endorse partnership with UTS on the proposal ‘Who do we think we are’? Moved: Robert Seconded: Alex

Secretary's report

COVID-19 per WMF statements regarding grants and also other events (such as Hackathon 2020 and Wikimania 2020), all in-person (f2f) events should be cancelled until further notice. There are also restrictions in place in each state and territory, which has seen numerous institutions restrict the number of people or close. These restrictions put in place by Governments have been changing rapidly over the past week. Recommend that all events to be held online, using sites or programs to host virtual meetings, workshops or edit-a-thons until further notice. WMAU will need to relook at grants given to the community for the next six months, with or without WMF funds. Do we help with purchasing access to subscriptions to enable members of the Australian community to undertake work on the WM projects? WMAU should also create a public page regarding our position and a collection of reliable sources members of the community can look to, with our position also put into Meta on the COVID-19 page. ACTION: Robert to draft up a COVID-19 page on Comm, send to Comm for approval. ACTION: Further investigate and identify accounts that require a common password - Ongoing (full workload, will look at this when I have time) No minutes or recordings yet from Community meetings. Need to get a list of attendees during the meeting, as it’s lost after.


New wiki page to track all received and sent emails, to help us avoid not responding.

Investigate Volunteer personal accident insurance - discuss at future meeting
Recommend to hold off, wait until COVID-19, when we have a better idea on what the future will look like. - Robert M,-community-and-nfp-groups/volunteer-personal-accident
Centenary Institute - Matt to contact - ongoing

Treasurer's report

Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting: Put together by the Secretary (Robert), on behalf of Treasurer (Steven). Net change:

  • Current Account balances as of 23 March 2020: Westpac: $66,977.62 CC: $485.06 PayPal: $226.58

12 November 2019 to 24 March 2020

  • Income: ATO: $0 , $0 renewals, $9.95 (1) rejoining members, $39.80 (4) new members, $1,634.45 in (64) donations, $22.12 in interest in the last 4 months.
  • Expenses: Xero: $250 ($50 per month x 5), Linode: $122.74 AUD ($20 USD? per month x 4), $81.50 G.A.P.’s Kitchen (Catering for Know my name Alice Springs), $79.50 Guild of Undergraduates (Catering for Know my name WA), Reimbursements: $63.39 GLAMSLAM 2020 registration, $335.55 WLM prizes and postage, $328.00 Officeworks printing for WA, $229.80 WLE prizes and postage, $130.45 Catering for Know my name Vic, $47.95 Vistaprint, $52.97 Vistaprint, $48.77 Vistaprint, $116.85 WLE prize and postage, $112.95 WLM prize and postage, $57.90 WLS prize and postage, $105.95 WLS prizes and postage

Transferred $2,000 from PayPal to Westpac Moved: Alex Seconded: Caddie

  • Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories - ongoing

ACTION: Pru to contact Westpac in changing signatories.

ACTION Financial
Pru, Steve and Alex
  • (2019-10-16) WMF Grants Admin $102.11 AUD to return from 2018-19 Simple APG

Robert and Pru work out how to wire funds back $102.11 AUD

Membership report

Joining: = 2 new members

Communications report

Newsletter *link redacted* Due date for content: 31 March/ 1 April Publish date: 2 April Social media Facebook Committee to do weekly Twitter Committee to do weekly Post an Australian article regularly Promoting WMAU Grants - in newsletter

Technical report

Revisit number of requests for access to the WMAU Wiki received - no action required


Local activities

  • ACT:
  • QLD:

Public libraries in QLD using open data from

Alex has responded to Rachel. Considering unique identifier for libraries


  • NSW:
  • NT:
  • SA:
  • TAS:
  • VIC:
  • WA:

Post-event survey - 17 responses Post-press release: 1-2 pages, Feminist publications - Matt assist. Post-thanks to venues, facilitators etc Contingency communication, eg public health: ACTION: Caddie to follow up with a report

That WMAU approve in principle reimbursement of travel costs for 2020 KnowMyName/Art+Feminism campaign presenters up to a total $2,000 according to WMAU travel policy coordinated by Caddie.

Move: Pru Second: Robert Moved without dissent ACTION: Final wrap up of costings for Know My Name.

National activities

Caddie received an email regarding Know My Name, looking at doing a online edit-a-thon, but there is no time frame Light-weight post-event survey: What did you enjoy? What could we do differently? What was the biggest takeaway for you? (Story of positive impact on Australia) Capture bigger picture

Global activities

  • Wikimedia Summit: Alex

Cancelled due to COVID-19 Moving to be an online based Summit during the same time the F2F Summit would have been held Moved to a later date in May, nothing more is available.

  • Hackathon 2020

Cancelled due to COVID-19

  • Wikimania 2020

Postponed until 2021 due to COVID-19, new date to be set but will be hosted in Bangkok No virtual Wikimania to be held in its place


  • Notes from December Community Meeting

ACTION: Pru to make a report from the recording and post on the wiki. Move committee meetings back to Monday’s? Robert no longer travelling to Sydney for work.

Meeting closed

Closed: 8:33PM

  • Next Community meeting: Wed 15 April 7pm AEST
  • Future Community meetings: Wed 13 May 7pm AEST (1Lib1Ref South launch); Wed 10 June 7pm (AEST)
  • Next Committee meeting: Mon 20 April 7pm EDST


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