Meeting:Committee (2022-05-16)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
Highlighted items not for publication to public wiki along with all google doc links.
- Date: Monday 16 May 2022
- Time / time zone: 5pm AWST / 6.30pm CST / 7pm AEST
- Meeting channel: Zoom
- Attendees: Tom, Alex, Pru, Bunty, Amanda, Sam (and Caddie)
- Apologies:
- Absent: Michael, Paige
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meeting
- Monday 18 April 2022 Meeting:Committee_(2022-04-18)
- That the minutes of the 18 April 2022 meeting be accepted.
- Moved: Alex
- Seconded: Pru
- Accepted
Matters for decision
Proposal: Community scholarship funding for November conference That Wikimedia Australia allocate the $4,000 remaining Community Support funds to pre-paid travel scholarships to encourage presenters and participants at November 2022 conference and community events in Sydney. Rationale: Allocating scholarships and purchasing travel well in advance saves money and gives presenters, participants and organisers certainty about their attendance. It will require quick turnaround on developing the criteria and promoting the scholarships.
ACTION | Form a scholarships subcommittee within the next week and develop guidelines for scholarship process prior to end of June - Pru, Amanda, Tom & Alex
- Service Agreements
That Wikimedia Australia approve the following draft agreements finalised by Media Arts Lawyers for general usage: Funding Agreement:
ACTION | Caddie to get list of definitions from MAL. Exec to review for final sign off next meeting
- Caddie - travel to Canberra for NGA edit-a-thon
That Caddie Brain’s travel costs to Canberra are supported to run a Know My Name edit-a-thon at the National Gallery of Australia on Sat 4 June 2022 and organise a Canberra Edit-a-thon on Friday 3 June: Accommodation 2 nights: $300 Meet-up catering/coffees $200 Fuel: $150 Total maximum spend: $700 (Gender equity budget) Request for donation from NGA $500.
- Partnership with WOW2022 conference
That Wikimedia Australia agrees to be a partner for the University of Sydney WOW2022 conference in November. This would entail the use of the Wikipedia logo on the conference website, promotion of the conference on the WMAU website and within the Australian community, and help with bringing interested members of the Australian community to Sydney for the conference. Sydney WoW will also help support a community day and/or WMAU Committee meeting if it is held in Sydney following the conference.
Financial Approvals - Pru
- Executive Officer monthly invoice (Caddie Brain): $2705
- Australian Music Coordinator invoice (James Gaunt). : $1900
- Census project first invoice (Maia Williams): $1500
- Wikipedian-in-Residence Australian Music Vault invoice May-June in advance (James Gaunt) Note workplan is here: $3,500 (in principle following signed agreement)
Matters for Discussion
- Camera/Equipment
Inquiry whether WMAU can provide cameras for Wikimedia in Residence events? - WMAU doesn’t have any camera equipment to lend and doesn’t generally provide funds for equipment. A list of equipment, software etc that may be useful for a Wikimedian in Residence in their role would be useful to compile.
- APO Alliance Grant - Volunteer Advisory Group
Volunteer advisory group: will comprise select members of Wikimedia Australia who will provide advice and oversight throughout the project. If the grant is successful WMAU will form an advisory group with members of WMAU in conjunction with APO.
- Digital Rights Watch
James Clark, Digital Rights Watch has invited Wikimedia Australia to: Inviting a representative from Wikimedia Australia to join a monthly call we have with representatives from Electronic Frontiers Australia, Reset and the Human Rights Law Centre. It's an informal space for just staying collected on policy issues in the space and they think Wikimedia would be a great addition to those conversations if we can make it work. working on an internal policy tracker tool Setting up a regular (perhaps monthly) call
ACTION: That Amanda gets in touch with Digital Watch Rights to join the monthly call and keep WMAU committee informed of developments.
Based upon our Simple APG funding application, here is a plan for the remainder of 2021-22 for discussion and allocation of responsibility against committee members
- Community support
Mini grants including Wikidata [Caddie + Alex + Bunty] - $ on track Census tool [Alex + Sam] $ on track Community meetings/events - $4,000 avail - see proposal
Outreach First Nations [Caddie + Bunty] $12,000 avail - ? Caddie has emailed AIATSIS and Jumbanna Institute. Meeting with Jumbanna Institute early November. GLAM & Education [Amanda + Paige] $7000 WiR Australian Music Campaigns [Pru + Michael] $2000 avail promotions
- Outreach funds allocation
Aim of the funds is to support Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander individuals or organisations. This is an opportunity to set up a research agreement with Jumbunna Institute - possibly in conjunction with the ARC project starting there. Would be good to look at protocol development or work with Nathan Sentance regarding library protocols. Look into options such as Indigenous editor at APO or hand back unspent funds.
ACTION: Committee members to approach key organisations such as Jumbunna and APO to discuss opportunity for an Indigenous project related to Wikimedia that could be set up by the end of June 2022.
Executive Officer report [FOR NOTING]
This Month in GLAM
Social media report
Twitter: April - 24 tweets / 5911 profile visits / 11.8K impressions / 101 mentions / 53 new followers March - 24 tweets / 2394 profile visits / 8.9K impressions / 37 mentions / 14 new followers February - 21 tweets / 922 profile visits / 13.7K impressions / 31 mentions / 24 new followers
Facebook: April - 11 posts / 2066 reach / 117 post clicks / 186 reactions / 17 new followers March - 9 posts / 878 reach / 33 post clicks / 64 engagements / 2 new followers February - 7 posts / 565 reach / 15 post clicks / 31 engagements / 0 new followers
Instagram: April - 7 posts / 43 likes / 75 followers March - 6 posts / 21 likes / 70 followers February - 5 posts / 19 likes / 59 followers
Meetings summary
April Community Meeting; ESEAP Conference subcommittee x 2; State Library Victoria; Australian Music Vault Citizen Science; City of Sydney; 1Lib1Ref; Board of Trustees
President's report
- Meeting, Sat 14 May 2022 (Meta link) (Etherpad notes)
- Next meeting: Sat 11 June 2022 (TBC)
- Wikimedia Summit, 9-11 Sep 2022
Secretary's report
- Emails from Jacqueline Chen regarding questions from grant application.
- Emails from Chen regarding WMF grant funding - rules have changed and we can now put in a grant for funding in the second half of 2022. Applications due 13 June 2022.
ACTION: Consult with ESEAP and apply for ESEAP grant by 13 June - Alex, Pru, Amanda, Bunty and Caddie
- Email from Creative Commons re meeting to discuss partnership with WMAU
ACTION: Meet with CC Australia - Amanda, Caddie and others who are available
Treasurer's report
- Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting
Profit & Loss Statement 19 Apr - 15 May 2022
- Current Account balances as of 15 May 2022
**Westpac: $ 100,556.51 **CC: $ 2,543.85 ** PayPal: $ 3,317.45
- Income:; $450.05 in donations, $0 new memberships $515.85 membership renewals $372.00 BAS refund
- Expenses Total: $3,680.11 - $2,900 Scholarships & Grants, $190 Zoom, $505.82 catering, $28.64 website hosting, $49.09 Xero, $17.24 Paypal fees
- Membership report: Renewal notices sent out 1 May 2022. As at 15 May 28 renewals paid 30 outstanding
Technical report
No current technical tasks (feel free to create any new ones on Phabricator).
Global activities
- SWAN (Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network)
- Notes from May meeting: Next meeting: Sun 5 June 2022 - TBC
Events / Local activities
Meeting close: 9:17 pm AEST
- Next Community meeting: Wed 8 June 2022, 7pm (AEST)
- Next Committee meeting: Mon 20 June 2022, 7pm (AEST)