Wikidata Tour Down Under (2018)
Andy Mabbett visited Australia for four weeks in September/ October 2018. He toured five states talking about Wikipedia, Wikidata and their sister projects, and how they impact GLAMs, and research, as well as explaining how institutions can work with the community of volunteers who maintain those projects, to mutual benefit.
The programme was a sequel to Andy's three-week Wikidata Tour Down Under (2016).
Events included
- Tuesday 11 September at State Library of Queensland, Brisbane
- 9.00-11.00am Introduction to Wikidata and GLAM (SLQ presentation slides) (Video of presentation)
- 11.00am-1.00pm Introduction to Wikidata and GLAM Hands-on Workshop in The Edge
- Wednesday 12 September State Library of New South Wales, Sydney
- 9.30am-12.30pm Wikipedia Sydney Seminar
- 2.00-4.00pm Wikidata workshop, State Library of New South Wales
- 5.00-7.00pm Sydney Meetup with Andy Mabbett, The Grand Hotel, 30 Hunter Street, Sydney
- Friday 14 September Melbourne
- Morning - Private meeting, Melbourne Museum
- 2.00-4.30pm Wikidata Workshop Melbourne
- 5.00-7.00pm Melbourne Meetup #36. ACMI Cafe, Federation Square
- 18 - 21 September Hobart
- 18 September Meeting with Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
- Australasian Research Management Society Conference Exhibition
- 20 September Australasian Research Management Society Conference 'theme leader' presentation (ARMS slides)
- 21 September: Lightning talk in plenary session
- Monday 24 September Perth
- Private meeting, Curtin University
- Tuesday 25 - Thursday 27 September Perth
- Australian Society of Archivists conference - information stand
- Thursday 27 September: 'Wikipedia Loves Archives: Archives Should Love Wikipedia, Too'(closing keynote - slides)
- Friday 28 September
- am: ASA Wikipedia workshop
- pm: ASA Wikidata workshop
- Sunday 30 September Perth
- Perth Meetup #52 Studio 001 - Floor 1 - State Library of Western Australia - Alexander Library Building, 25 Francis Street, 10am to 3pm
- Tuesday 2 October Perth
- Private meeting, Murdoch University
Contact for Eastern Australian follow-up.
Contact for Western Australia follow-up.