Meeting:Committee (2021-11-15)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
Wikimedia Australia Inc. | ||
- Date: Monday 15 November 2021
- Time / time zone: 4pm AWST / 5.30pm CST / 7pm AEDT
- Meeting channel: Zoom
- Attendees: Alex, Sam, Tom, Paige, Bunty, Amanda, Pru (+ Caddie)
- Apologies: Michael
- Leave of absence:
- Absent:
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meeting:
- Monday 18 October 2021 Meeting:Committee_(2021-10-18)
- That the minutes of the 18 October 2021 meeting be accepted.
- Moved: Alex
- Seconded: Amanda
- Accepted
Matters arising
See list of Actions at the end
Matters for decision
Proposal: that WMAU joins the Australian Citizen Science Association Cost is $350 p.a. Reason: Closely aligned Australian advocacy group working to promote open, inclusive and diverse knowledge.
Alex to contact Margaret to see if she is a member of ACSA and if she thinks there are benefits. Alex
Amanda to contact ACSA and arrange a meeting/discussion on membership exchange || Amanda Lawrence ||
Proposal: Wikidata grant program
As part of WMAU’s simple APG grant proposal, we set aside $2000 AUD for a Wikidata grants program. Here is a proposed program structure. I am proposing two grants of $1000 as opposed to four grants of $500 and a mentoring component. Alex or Sam or Toby might be interested in being mentors and we could pay the mentors also. For discussion.
Promote Wikidata grants to students - undergraduates and post-graduates including PhD students at ADM+S. Caddie, Amanda, Bunty, Paige
Call it a grant rather than a stipend. Can we set this up as a proforma for other grants?
Financial Approvals - Pru
Key Matters for Discussion
Executive Officer job structure
Caddie to try to work set days - Monday and Wednesday.
Letterhead and Slidedeck finalised
Ramen Studio has finalised the letterhead and slidedeck, completed for use here. Caddie to provide a walkthrough.
Strategic planning process
Key dates:
- Monday 29 November 7pm AEDT - identify five areas that you think Wikimedia Australia should focus on over the next three years. This could be one word (e.g. funding) or several words (editors get local support).
- Please send your responses to: by 22 November. I'll remind you again before then!
- Wednesday 15 December 7pm AEDT, Open community meeting.
- Feedback on draft plan: Monday 31 January 2022
Jumbanna institute interested in collaborating with WMAU but we need to articulate what we would like to do and discuss further. Tom would like to be included in developments.
- Develop a document on Jumbanna Institute collaboration for circulation to committee. || Caddie Brain ||
Bunty proposing a conference at University of Sydney at the end of 2022 on education and Wikipedia. ESEAP might be on around the same time which should be coordinated if possible.
- Follow up with committee on USyd conference proposal and coordinate with possible ESEAP event around the same time. || Bunty ||
Copyright issues - Can WMAU help?
Correspondence from Caroline Phillips via the Wikimedia AU mailing list: Suggestion for WMAU to take out a subscription to Arts Law for one year, approx $350 Provides document review service as well as access to training and resources. Copyright is included in what they cover. Aim to draw up a WMAU guidelines document, and have it reviewed by Arts Law, to provide a degree of confidence that you are following/promoting best practice guidelines as a minimum standard.
Committee agreed it would be worth following up with Arts Law to see what service they can provide WMAU on copyright issues and the wider copyright debate currently in progress on the mailing list.
- Contact Caroline and Arts Law. || Alex Lum ||
- Organise a meeting between various groups and people in the copyright policy area, such as Rachel (WMF), Derek Whitehead, Creative commons, Australian Digital Alliance, Caroline Hough. || Amanda ||
To follow /tie in with the WMF issues/items - in process, not urgent, but essential.
- Include sustainability in next month’s meeting agenda. || Caddie ||
- Check on meta about sustainability policy. || Tom ||
Executive Officer report [FOR NOTING]
- Communications
- Social media report
Twitter: October - 38 tweets / 2564 profile visits / 22.8K impressions / 109 mentions / 40 new followers September - 35 tweets / 2967 profile visits / 21.7K impressions / 88 mentions / 40 new followers August - 41 tweets / 4205 profile visits / 46K impressions / 67 mentions / 27 new followers Facebook: October - 10 posts / 1963 reach / 118 engagements / 43 post clicks / 1 new follower (1585 like / 1693 follow) September - 7 posts / 919 reach / 55 engagements / 27 post clicks / 5 new followers August - 6 posts / 817 reach / 41 engagements / 26 post clicks / 1 new followers
- Meetings summary
November Community Meeting APRA AMCOS Dobe Newton, Australian Country Music Association Kirsten Thorpe, Jambana Australian Music Centre Music Vault Australia Council for the Arts x 4 Mike Dickison - 1 x GLAM Modules Weekly meetings x 2 - James Gaunt Exec meetings x 2 ESEAP ===President's report=== Alex
- Movement Strategy Hubs Workshop
“Save-the-date” - not much info yet:,_2021 12 - 2am AEDT! Better for WA people.
- Meeting with Rachel Arinii Judhistari (Lead Public Policy Specialist, Asia)
Alex, Amanda, Tom and Gideon met with Rachel last week. Very interesting discussion and great to have someone from WMF in our corner of the world. Rachel has written WMF’s submission to the Draft Online Safety (Basic Online Safety Expectations) Determination 2021 consultation. She sent through the submission which has gone to the government inquiry. Will be posted to WMAU website following approval from WMF.
- Meeting, Sat 13 November 2021 (Meta link) (Etherpad notes)
- Next meeting: Sat 11 Dec 2021
- ESEAP Regional Education Meeting
27 November 2021 - Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines currently speaking, have asked Australia and New Zealand to be involved.
Secretary's report
- Reports from funded projects - none
- email regarding Tasmanian power station article. As a committee we can’t enter into editing articles.
Reply to Tas email re editing. Amanda
Treasurer's report
- Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting
Profit & Loss Statement 18 Oct - 14 Nov 2021
- Current Account balances as of 14 Nov 2021
**Westpac: $ 125,897.16 **CC: $ 3,580.62 ** PayPal: $ 1,780.43
- Income:; $495.37 in donations, $9.95 memberships
- Expenses - $3,350 EO $27.46 website hosting, $49.09 Xero, $8.10 Paypal fees
- 2021-22 Budget:
Budget tracking at 40% mark of financial year: Outreach: Indigenous engagement 5% Admin Operational 52% EO: 41% Community support 0%
- Membership report
- 1 new member (NSW)
- MOTION: That WMAU admit James Gaunt as a member of WMAU (complimentary) in recognition of work on behalf of WMAU as facilitator of Music project.
Technical report
Current technical tasks (feel free to leave any comments on these on Phabricator):
- phab:T210363 Remove spam from noongarwp wiki — Does anyone care about this? Do we want to keep these two wikis? Doesn’t impact the rest of the meta:Noongarpedia project wikis.
- phab:T291364 Move WMAU website to the Australian data centre — will not be much difference but may be a bit quicker.
- phab:T291368 Restore categories to page footers (for logged in users only).
- phab:T293433 Improve timezone display for events
- Synchronize templates/modules between main wiki and commwiki, and improve action lists (inc. adding multiple assignees) so they can be easily copied to the next month’s agenda.
Global activities
- SWAN (Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network)
- Notes from 31 Oct meeting:
Next meeting: Sunday 28 November 2021
National activities
Events / Local activities
Wiki Science Campaign
Meeting close: 8.33pm AEDT
- Next Community meeting: Wed 15 December 2021, 7pm (AEDT)
- Next Committee meeting: Mon 20 December 2021, 7pm (AEDT)
Action | Responsible | Status |
Contact Margaret to see if she is a member of ACSA and if she thinks there are benefits | Alex | |
Contact ACSA and arrange a meeting/discussion on membership exchange | Amanda | |
Promote Wikidata grants to students - undergraduates and post-graduates including PhD students at ADM+S. | Caddie, Amanda, Bunty, Paige | |
Develop a document on Jumbanna Institute collaboration for circulation to committee | caddiebrain | |
Follow up with committee on USyd conference proposal and coordinate with possible ESEAP event around the same time. | Bunty | |
Contact Caroline and Arts Law | Alex Lum | |
Oranganise a meeting between various groups and people in the copyright policy area, such as Rachel (WMF), Derek Whitehead, Creative commons, Australian Digital Alliance, Caroline Hough | Amanda | |
Include sustainability in next month’s meeting agenda | Caddie | |
Check on meta about sustainability policy | Tom | |
Strategic planning: accept quote and set up all meeting sessions, and clarify responsibilities and deliverables from Patrick | Caddie |
Alex changed as the signatory for the City of Sydney agreement and Alex to sign and return | Caddie and Alex | |
James Music project: finalise proposal with Australia council and bring back the committee for approval | Caddie | DONE |
Newsletter production review: Alex and Caddie to discuss communication and newsletter production issues and report back to committee for discussion | Caddie and Alex | |
Newsletter production - explore alternative methods for html formats using website and mailing list | Caddie and Sam | DONE |
APG: Alex and Sam to coordinate development of a brief for a Census Tool (2 - 4 weeks work) - even a slide pack mocking up what we think it might look like. | Alex and Sam | Pending, based on discussion at October community meeting |
Meeting with Jumbanna Institute early November | Caddie | DONE |
Contact Tech for social good to suggest wikidata workshop with prizes | Bunty | In progress |
Invite a Trove rep to speak at a Community meeting about Trove API, Australian Library Gateway and/or Partner IDs Wikidata project | Pru | On hold |
Watching brief to review WMF Global Code of Conduct when it is determined | Committee | On hold |
Outreach to Public Relations Institute of Australia - raised at Community meeting | Steve and Caddie | On hold |
Follow up re GLAM modules being developed by Mike | Caddie | In progress |
Outreach: Contact some possible organisations about our capabilities relative to similar projects as Wiki Scholar and other relevant topics/issues | Amanda | To do |
History of Paralympics Project: Try again for Tony to present and/or produce a media release on impact of project / stats for 2020 Tokyo Paralympics | ?? | On hold |
Ask Rebecca to present on Wikidata and GLAMs outreach at a Community meeting | Pru | To do |
WMAU Facilitators policy - Committee members to review the Facilitators Policy and comment on the document for discussion at the next meeting | All committee | In progress |
Review the Crisis Communications Plan drafted as Appendix 3 of the Communications Strategy and other suggested amendments | All committee | |
Approve WMAU Logos | Caddie and All committee |