Meeting:Committee (2024-03-18)

Revision as of 03:06, 11 May 2024 by Jellomister (talk | contribs)


20 September 2024

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

  • Present: Amanda Lawrence, Bunty Avieson, Peter Neish, Elliott Bledsoe, Tom Hogarth, Belinda Spry.
  • Apologies: Kelly Tall, Jeremy Ludlow, Emily Mierisch.

Meeting opened: 18 March 2024, 4pm AWDT / 6.30pm ACDT / 7pm AEDT

Acknowledgement of Country

Previous meeting

2024-02-19-Wikimedia Australia Board meeting

Decision: That the minutes of the Monday 15 January 2024 meeting be accepted
Moved: Bunty Avieson; seconded: Amanda Lawrence; outcome: approved

Matters for Noting


Executive Officer's Report

Know My Name event at National Gallery of Australia, Canberra (16 March 2024)

Belinda Spry facilitated a successful workshop with Simon, Ellen and Linda at the National Gallery of Australia (NGA). There were 12 participants with two driving from South Australia specifically to attend. [available here].

Richmond Library Women’s Art Register event (9 March 2024)

Very successful event with thanks to Pru Mitchell and Amanda Lawrence for teaching 15 new editors. [report available here].

Partner Projects

WMAU staff are holding monthly catch ups with each Project, as well as bringing all Wikimedians-In-Residence (WiRs) together to share their experiences. Nicole and the BHL/Field Naturalists project has some issues with articles being tagged for deletion. Our experienced members have provided ideas and support. Caddie held a successful editathon with 8 participants. Olivia at the EPA held a successful information session for 25 staff, and is due to finish by the end of March.

ESEAP Preparatory Council

The Preparatory Council has been meeting fortnightly and sometimes weekly to develop the By-laws and an election process for the ESEAP Hub. By-laws will be released soon for community consultation and feedback. The election process will be released shortly after that.

First Nations and Wikipedia Report

Professor Bronwyn Carlson has incorporated our feedback into the Final Report. Professor Carlson has suggested that we organise a cover design and Belinda Spry has contacted a First Nations Graphic Designer for quotes.

AIATSIS Core Cultural Learning online foundation course

Board to continues to access the AIATSIS Learning Ground - Core training modules and join 30 minutes before each Board meeting to reflect on what they have collectively learnt. There is also a Slack channel set up for discussion.

Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand collaboration on #1Lib1ref

Victoria and Dianne from Wikimedia Aotearoa New Zealand (WANZ) met with the WMAU Executive Officer, Belinda Spry and Communications and Project Coordinator, Ali Smith, to discuss a joint #1Lib1ref online event during late May. Mary Coe from Charles Sturt University (CSU) and her cohort of Library students has been invited to take part, as well as promotions through ALIA, Public Library networks and general social media.

International conferences

Scholarships have been awarded to five members of the WMAU community to attend the ESEAP Conference in May 2024. There has been one successful scholarship application to attend Wikimania.

April Board meeting

The Executive Officer, Belinda Spry will be travelling to Berlin for the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) Summit on Monday 15 April, so will not attend the April Board meeting. Ali Smith, Communications and Project Coordinator will be attending in her place.

Communication Team Report

Deductible Gift Recipients status

Pro-Bono work is commencing to look into WMAU Deductible Gift Recipients (DGR) status.

Franklin Women - July 2024

Melina Georgousakis of Franklin Women, has provided a draft plan for two Franklin Women edit-athons in late July 2024. The costs will be covered by AbbVie (a Biopharmaceutical company) including travel, accommodation and a donation to Wikimedia Australia.

Open Access Australasia Director

Ginny Barbour, Director of Open Access Australasia is leaving the role. A collection of best wishes is being collected to thank her.

President's Report

Online Safety Bill consultation

There is a possible follow up opportunity with eSafety Commissioner who is interested in learning more about the Wikimedia model of collaborative editing.

UN Global Digital Compact

The drafting of the UN Global Digital Compact is underway to be ratified at a UN meeting in September. WMF see this an opportunity to further advocacy for Wikimedia and an open internet. The WMAU President has been invited to join the group, which she has accepted.

Meetings at Wikimedia Summit

Meetings have been arrange at the Wikimedia Summit with ESEAP affiliates and Indigenous Community of Interest across affiliates and with the advocacy interest group.

Secretary's Report

Membership report

  • No new Members
  • One lapsed member removed

Treasurer's Report

Overview of the Grant budget at 29 Feb (8 months)

  • Strategy 1: Engagement - utilised 69%
  • Strategy 2: Equity & Inclusion - utilised 76%
  • Strategy 3: Capacity Building (set costs for Staffing and Admin removed) - utilised 61%
Decision: That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted
Moved: Peter Neish; seconded: Amanda Lawrence; outcome: approved

Matters for Decision

Year 3 Draft Budget

Peter, Amanda and Belinda have developed a draft Year 3 budget, and met with with Jacqueline Chen, Senior Program Officer for ESEAP Regional Grants. Jacqueline supported the current draft with minor feedback relating to future years. If the Board endorse this draft Year 3 Budget we will then submit by 19 March 2024.

Decision: That WMAU endorse the proposed Year 3 Budget and it’s submission to WMF for approval
Moved: Bunty Avieson; seconded: Elliott Bledsoe; outcome: approved

Allocation of Funds to increase Staff Hours for Evaluation program

In the current financial year, funds have been allocated for Evaluation Phase 1 and Stakeholder Analysis to enhance our understanding of our metrics and ensure effective measurement and evaluation practices. However these initiatives have not yet commenced and there is $8000 to expend.

Propose to use the allocated funds to increase the Events and Program Coordinator role from 0.6 to 0.8 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), allowing for an additional day per week dedicated to these key deliverables.

By increasing the hours of the Coordinator, we can undertake the Evaluation Phase 1 and Stakeholder Analysis, providing a thorough review of our metrics and working in collaboration with WMF staff.

Decision: To increase the hours the Events and Program Coordinator role
Moved: Tom Hogarth; seconded: Bunty Avieson; outcome: approved

Complimentary membership for staff

In line with policy of similar organisations to WMAU, we will offer staff complimentary membership to WMAU.

Decision: WMAU to endorse complimentary membership for WMAU staff members
Moved: Tom Hogarth; seconded: Elliott Bledsoe; outcome: approved
Action: Belinda to action the membership process for WMAU staff.

Matters for Discussion


Current subcommittees are:

  • Finance - Amanda Lawrence, Peter Neish and Belinda Spry
  • Membership review - Jeremy Ludlow, Emily Mierisch and Alice Woods (Events and Programs Coordinator)
  • WikiCon Aus planning - WMAU Staff, 2 community members (FILLED) plus 1 board member (VACANT)
  • Craig Franklin Award - WMAU Staff, Tom Hogarth, 1 Board (VACANT), 2 community members (VACANT)
  • Wikimania Scholarships - Bunty Avieson and Elliott Bledsoe.
  • Standing Grants Subcommittee: Amanda Lawrence and Elliott Bledsoe.

Board member required to be part of Wikicon Aus planning, and another for Craig Franklin award.

Craig Franklin Award 2024

Inaugural Craig Franklin award presented at the WMAU AGM on 6 August 2023. This will be an annual award announced at the AGM. Rules need finalising, and a subcommittee needs to be set up to identify a group of people/organisations to consider, and to select a winner for 2024. It is proposed 2 Board members and 2 WMAU community members. Tom Hogarth has nominated to be one of the Board members in this subcommittee.

Action: Belinda to provide timeline of actions and organise meetings for subcommittee as required in 2024. Staff to do Callout to community for 2 members of the subcommittee.

WMAU Activities

All current and past activities can be found [here].

National activities

  • The International Communication Association (ICA) Conference, Gold Coast, 20-24 June 2024 - (Visiting Wikimedia academics attending - opportunity for side events.)
  • International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Information Futures Summit, 30 Sept - 3 Oct (Brisbane)-
  • Australian Libraries and Archives Copyright Coalition (ALACC) are holding a side event on Open Access on 3 October, which we will be invited to.

Meeting Close


Next meeting

Monday 15 April 2024

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