Meeting:Committee (2019-07-08)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
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Wikimedia Australia Inc. | |
- Date: Monday 8 July 2019
- Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6pm AEST
- Meeting channel: Skype
- Attendees: Pru, Steve, Gideon, Tom, Sam, Robert
- Apologies: Caddie.
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meetings:
- Monday 24 June 2019 Meeting:Committee_(2019-06-24)
- That the minutes of the 24 June 2019 meeting be accepted.
- Moved: Steve
- Seconded: Gideon
Carried without dissent
Business arising and actions
- Tom: highlight any business arising from two previous lots of minutes, and re-format 10th June minutes in comm - Delayed and in process - Action - Tom to complete overdue minutes work
- Pru: find further details of conversations about the SLQ cost and details: Teleconference Meeting with SLQ,
- Tom: communicate with Pru about text on other side of postcard - DONE - thanks
- Pru: organise postcards with the winning photo of the 2019 Wiki Loves Earth competition to the value of $300. - DONE $100 worth
- Gideon: contact Lucy next week and ask for a progress report and set the date / time for the meeting in 5 weeks
- Tom, Pru, Steve: to draft survey, tie in with Strategy survey. Email direct link to Contact when survey ready.
- Survey Drafts still under discussion - issues still need to be dealt with
- brief survey: (link redacted)
- long survey (link redacted)
- Refer to WMF for double check:
- Tom, Pru & Steve to meet on this Issue - proposed strategy and community tie-in - as to whether keep tie in or separate
- Steve: update committee with new mailing list admin password once resolved. - DONE
- Caddie: attend Know My Name meeting on our behalf and discuss options for our involvement - DONE - excellent report made
- Pru and Steve to talk to Caddie about next steps
- Gideon: follow up legally drafted template for organisational partnerships
- Pru: start partnerships page (Done)
- Define ‘levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Add start & finish dates and review dates.
- Tom: Publish minutes for 2019 meetings including Motions - Delayed - still in process
- to conclude by next meeting
- Robert, Steve: Bank signatory - Steve added as signatory (Done, can be done online but form needs to be filled out and handed in if you want to add as Admin or Senior approver)
- Robert: ESEAP Strategy reports on return from Bangkok - Expected - report from Jeremy expected as well
- Information hub idea for WMAU as a role? E.g. meta:ESEAP Hub/Community Yellow Pages
- WMAU encouraged to support and mentor NZ for user group proposal
- WMAU encouraged to support East Timor editor
- Steve, Alex?: To contact GovHack Melb team if interested - not yet done, will get onto this ASAP
- Pru: Media accreditation - Tokyo Paralympics due 1 July 2019 - send to committee/community. Let members know - NOT DONE. MISSED DEADLINE
- Contact Paralympics Australia and explain our situation. Photojournalist role
- Gideon:Record and documentation of WOW, and WMAU conferences, processes and publication
- Pru, Tom, Steve to setup letter of thanks to presenters and hosts for WOW and WMAU conferences and check with committee before sending.
- Pru, Steve and Tom to work on this ASAP- draft in process
- Tom: draft and check with committee formal congratulations to Thailand on recognition as a chapter, and congratulations on ESEAP Strategy Summit -
- Tom to finalise draft congratulations letter to Thailand and South Korea and present draft to comm.
- Robert: detailed list of expenses for the last two months to be given to committee once the Simple APG has been finalised (ran out of time due to work and ESEAP Summit, still waiting on the WMF to approve the finalised Simple APG)
- Sam: Domain name update. Sam investigate how to get access to this account.
- Have emailed Domain Central twice about regaining access, and heard nothing. Next step is to lodge an issue with AUDA. This is being tracked in phabricator:T227433.
- Robert to follow up credit card with Westpac. (ongoing, to be sorted this week)
- 2018-19 Simple APG status
Grants office notified $3,552.00 carryover with request to use for Wikimania attendance for Ingrid Cumming to speak in Indigenous Languages panel. Still waiting for a response. Final report due Monday 15 July 2019. Drafting at Metrics spreadsheet access failure: (link redacted)
- 2019-20 Simple APG status
Request to revise budget in 3 areas and reallocate a total of $3,500 Budget sheet: (link redacted)
- Noongarpedia - $1000
- Conference grant preparation and coordination - $1500
- Working with GLAM partner to develop a project, plan or learning story on engaging with another Indigenous community - $1000
- AGM 2019 date
Proposal: To move AGM from Oct to August
RESOLUTION: That the 2019 Wikimedia Australia AGM will be held on Sunday, 25th August 2019 at 5PM AEST/3PM AWST.
The timeline for the meeting and notices to be given to the membership will be done on dates as noted on CommWiki or other forums.
Moved: Steve
Second: Gideon
Carried without dissent
ACTION ITEM: Actions to be started in line with Excel spreadsheet, starting with notice to members of AGM date.
ACTION ITEM: Standardised nomination template to be created.
Discussion was held with the following points raised. Legally - must be completed by Nov (5 months from EOFY). Reporting deadlines. Christmas-January shutdown. Treasurer timelines - after July BAS statement, Oct next. Time for F2F early in committee’s term. Secretary: timeline not a risk for this year, useful to review the Rules.
- Secretary document concerns with the Rules and circulate to Committee
- Format of meetings till AGM
- Alternate community - committee
- Training webinars
- Gideon and Steve to source and review past training material for up to date and relevance.
- President's report
- Create a process for media accreditation
- Strategic plan and Annual plan 2019-20
- Post-its on comm wiki -
- Secretary's report
- Agenda template
- Non email form of committee internal communication
- (0ther issues raised previous meetings held over)
- Correspondence report
- Strategy report
- Governance/backup (pertinent to risk analysis issues)
Request for assistance in saving/backup of online info in com/webpage/meta ,other Paper and SD card backup for total redundancy of information relative to WMAU Withdrawn ‘’idea’’ from secretary - change of focus to financial record access Copy to be kept with current secretary - all known material pertinent to records Handover - for adequate explanation of backup of material - Sam - explanation of electronic backup system for the 2 wikis - dumps
- Sam to investigate backups procedure for wikis including possibility of more regular auto backups to Google Drive in addition to current backup procedure.
- Treasurer's report
Current Account balances: Westpac: $39,613.70 CC: $114.16 PayPal: $332.23 Income: ATO: , $20 renewals, $20 in donations, $3.37 in interest Expenses: Upcoming Linode (paid by Sam) and Xero (paid by Robert), with reimbursement.
- Membership report
Renewals received: = 2 , Joining: = Total memberships for 2018/19 =
- Communications report
Newsletter July 2019 - Tom and Caddie
This Month in GLAM - June due 6 July 2019- WLE, Toodyaypedia, conference
ACTION: Steve to start this process for publication asap
- Technical report
Current issues:
- Store/note passwords to WMAU logins on comm.
- We should not store critical passwords there though, such as for the domain registration. We could use something like instead.
- T227433 Give multiple committee members access to domain registrar account
- T210363 Remove spam from noongarwp wiki
- T210050 Page titles are being double-encoded. Assigned: ErrantX
- T209019 and are down. Assigned: ErrantX
- T199606 Create system to track event data
- T189178 Remove unused email accounts
- T185976 Upload dump of public wiki to Internet Archive
- T185875 Move the server(s) Ansible config to a public repo
- Local activities
- ACT Follow up ANU training - email Imogen
- QLD QWiki Club events
- NSW City of Sydney Libraries training and edit-a-thon, 15 June - report done
Biota group
- SA feedback received from Museums Day edit-a-thon. Photo load pending category solution
- VIC Women’s Art Register Winter Wiki event, Sat 20 July Richmond Library
- WA Cannington scanning programme throughout year
- Toodyaypedia, 29 June 3rd stage event
National activities Wiki Loves Earth Prizes - 4 certificates sent, 1 pending. No response from other winners. Need to update our prizes page
- Global activities
- Wikimania 2019
- Wikimania 2020 - report on venue and meeting
- Set AGM date:
As at 08 July earliest possible date is Sunday 11 Aug - using to calculate options see email link for form
Meeting closed: 8:24pm AEST. Next meeting: Committee: Monday July 22 2019 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6.00pm ACT/NSW/VIC Next meeting: Open Community Meeting: Monday 5 August - TBC
- Levels of partnerships