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15 January 2020
19 February 2020
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
- Date: Monday 3 February 2020
- Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6pm QLD / 7pm AEDT
- Meeting channel:
- Attendees: Alex, Robert, Pru, Caddie
- Apologies: Sam (US), Steve (sick), Matt (work)
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meeting:
- Monday 13 January 2020 Meeting:Committee_(2020-01-13)
- That the minutes of the 9 December 2019 meeting be accepted.
- Moved: Caddie
- Seconded: Alex
- Robert: Publish Minutes to Comm and Public
Business arising and actions
- ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below
President's report
- Survey - review members’ responses - recommend merging questions
- Pru to follow up with banner ad -
- Partnerships - legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page
- Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting
Midterm report: Metrics are done. Awaiting financial report
- Lodged ACNC report on behalf of Secretary
Secretary's report
ACTION: Further investigate and identify accounts that require a common password
To do: Publish minutes to the public wiki
Query about DGR status
- ACTION: Alex responded. To include note on
PO Box $10 cash donation
Treasurer's report
Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting: Net change:
- Current Account balances as of 8 December 2019: Westpac: $ CC: $ PayPal: $
- Income: ATO: $0 , $0 renewals, $ in donations, $ in interest.
- Expenses:
- Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories
- ACTION Financial
- Pru, Steve and Alex return
- (2019-10-16) WMF Grants Admin $102.11 AUD to return from 2018-19 Simple APG
- Robert and Pru work out how to wire funds back $102.11 AUD
Membership report
Joining: = 0
Communications report
- ACTION: Jacinta will complete this week.
Social media
- Facebook Steve to do weekly
- Twitter Steve to do weekly
- Post an Australian article regularly
Promoting WMAU Grants - in newsletter
Technical report
- Revisit number of requests for access to the WMAU Wiki received
- Events calendar: issue fixed
Local activities
- ACT: NGA KnowMyName March
- QLD: #1Lib1Ref in January at SLQ (Jacinta);
Public libraries in QLD using open data from
- Alex to respond to Rachel. Consider unique identifier for libraries
Dashboard: Art+Feminism venue: GoMA, Louise, Jacinta & Kerry Coordinator
- NSW: KnowMyName: Coordinators: Mylee & Bunty
- NT: Art+Feminism Araluen Art Centre, Alice Springs & possibly Darwin
- SA: Pru to confirm Art+Feminism
- TAS: Alysia & Alex coordinator, request application
- That WMAU approve in principle reimbursement of travel costs for 2020 KnowMyName/Art+Feminism campaign presenters up to a total $2,000 according to WMAU travel policy coordinated by Caddie.
- Move: Pru
- Second: Robert
- Moved without dissent
- VIC: Coordinators, Caroline & Juliette Art+Feminism
- WA: Art+Feminism Facilitators: Gideon & Ingrid. Venue: LWAG
- Robert will coordinate 4G hubs and can send to WA if required
National activities
- Wiki Loves Science
- MOTION: That WMAU funds prizes of $50 giftcards to the top 6 placegetters in Wiki Science 2019.
- Moved: Robert
- Second: Alex
- Moved without dissent
- Wed 19 February 2020 Community Meeting Global Strategy Recommendations discussion
- ACTION Alex to lead discussion global strategy
- WikiCite ANZ, Friday 14 February 2020
- Program
- Alex Welcome & history of WikiCite
- Siobhan Leachman: workflows around people authorities, women
- Toby : blurb TBC
- Nicole Kearney:
- Art+Feminism & Know My Name, 7-8 March 2020: Caddie
See above
Global activities
- Wikimedia Summit: Alex
- Travel insurance in vicinity of $100
- Wikimania 2020
- Process for determining scholarship applications for Wikimania 2020 with process defined by the end of January, with a call for expressions of interest soon after.
Other business
- Notes from December Community Meeting
- ACTION: Pru to make a report from the recording and post on the wiki.
- Wiki Loves Monuments 2019
- Finalise prizewinners and reimbursement
Meeting closed
Closed: Formal meeting finished 8.15pm
- Next Community meeting: Wed 19 February 2020
- Next Committee meeting: March: Mon 2 March 2020