Meeting:Committee (2020-01-13)

Committee (2020-01-13)

Normal monthly Committee meeting. Committee members and observers only.

Region: National
Location: Online

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Wikipedia Day 2020
14 January 2020

Committee meeting

13 January 2020

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).


Date: Monday 13 January 2020
Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6pm QLD / 7pm AEDT
Meeting channel:


Attendees: Pru, Alex, Sam, Caddie
Apologies: Robert (Fire duties), Steve (working away), Jacinta, Matt (travelling)

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

Moved: Sam
Seconded: Alex
Sam: Publish Minutes to Comm and Public

Business arising and actions

ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below



President's report

Survey Drafts - review members’ responses - DEFER
Pru to follow up with banner ad - to be continued
Partnerships - legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page
Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting

Secretary's report

ACTION: Further investigate and identify accounts that require a common password


Alex to back up Secretary unanswered correspondence, Pru to back up Treasurer and membership

  • Query about DGR status
ACTION: Alex to respond, and include note on
  • Katherine Maher: Sending love and care to Australia in time of bushfire
  • Request about joining WikiClub West: Sam and Alex responded

Treasurer's report

No Treasurer’s report Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting: Net change:

  • Current Account balances as of 8 December 2019: Westpac: $ CC: $ PayPal: $
  • Income: ATO: $0 , $0 renewals, $ in donations, $ in interest.
  • Expenses:
  • Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories
ACTION Financial when Pru and Alex return
  • (2019-10-16) WMF Grants Admin $102.11 AUD to return from 2018-19 Simple APG

Steve, Pru work out how to wire funds back $102.11 AUD

Membership report

Joining: =

Communications report

  • Newsletter
January due date:
  • Survey, WLM, MOU NGA,
  • Social media
Facebook Steve to do weekly
Twitter Steve to do weekly
Post an Australian article regularly
Promoting WMAU Grants


Technical report

  • A number of requests for access to the WMAU Wiki received
Question about whether users need to be members of WMAU
What is the process for responding to these?
Sam or Robert check for legitimate (not spam) requests
Leave welcome note on page
User creation log:
Sam set up a Welcome Template. Done:


Local activities

  • ACT: Caddie run NGA Art+Feminism event in March
  • QLD: #1Lib1Ref in January at SLQ (Jacinta);
Project with the digital experience program - Public libraries in QLD using open data from
Libraries in Australia query:
Libraries in Wikidata: - Quick Statements ACTION: Alex to respond to Rachel. Consider unique identifier for libraries
Art+Feminism venue: GoMA, Louise, Jacinta & Kerry Coordinator
  • NSW: TBC
  • NT: Art+Feminism Araluen Art Centre
  • SA: Pru to confirm Art+Feminism
  • TAS: Alysia & Alex coordinator, request application
  • VIC: Coordinators, Caroline & Juliette Art+Feminism
  • WA: Art+Feminism Facilitators: Gideon & Ingrid. Venue: Waiting for Feb re-opening

National activities

Wiki Loves Science - Uploads:

  • Wikipedia Day, 15 January 2020 Community Meeting
Agenda finalisation
Personal reports:
1Lib1Ref - Jacinta
Caddie - workflow, state and regional lists, questions, promotion for Know My Name
  • WikiCite ANZ, Friday 14 February 2020: Pru
Application for a WikiCite Satellite event grant (of $1375 USD equivalent) - for an event in association with the VALA 2020 library technology :conference - has been approved.
Alex Welcome & history of WikiCite
Siobhan Leachman: workflows around people authorities, women
Toby : blurb TBC
Nicole Kearney:
  • Art+Feminism & Know My Name, 7-8 March 2020: Caddie

See above

Global activities

  • Wikimedia Summit: Alex
Travel is sorted. Travel insurance quote in vicinity of $100
  • Wikimania 2020
Process for determining scholarship applications for Wikimania 2020 with process defined by the end of January, with a call for expressions of interest soon after.

If you are applying for Wikimania,

Other business

  • Notes from December Community Meeting
ACTION: Pru to make a report from the recording and post on the wiki.

Wiki Loves Monuments 2019

Only 5 responses from prizewinners thus far

Meeting closed

Closed: 8.31pm

  • Next Committee meeting: February: Mon 3 February 2020 (Apology Sam)
  • Next Community meeting: Wed 15 January 2020, 19 February 2020
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