WMAU Community Meeting (Nov 2019)

WMAU Community Meeting (Nov 2019)
General community meeting.

Region: National
Location: Online

Share link: – or download calendar item (.ics)

Keywords: Community meetings


Attendees: Alex Lum; Amanda Lawrence; Ann Reynolds; Caddie Brain; Gnangarra; Jacinta Sutton; Julian Singh; Margaretrdonald; Matt Moore; Nickw; Pru; Rayna Wu; Robert; Sam Wilson; Steve Crossin; Thomas Shafee

Apologies: Kerry, Tom

Chapter business

  • Discussion on Chapter member to attend the 2020 Berlin Summit: Alex as Vice-President to attend
  • Welcomed two new members to the meeting

Resources and news shared

  • Jacinta reported on the State Library Queensland Q Wiki editing session on Tuesday with 10 people, which is the last one for the year
  • Margaret reported on Sydney events at State Library NSW: Mike Dickison next week and Sydney Meetup on 16 Dec

Alex presented on his recent activities and presentations in New Zealand

Thomas discussed the Wiki Science Competition and asked for support

The email to use: Subject: Uni XXX involvement in science imagery competition

Hello, The Australian heats of the world's largest international science photography competition is about to start (December 1-31). National finalists will be entered to the international competition, and images may be used to illustrate Wikipedia for added reach and impact!

It'd be a good change to showcase the institute members' science and photography skills.

Categories and submission: https://w.wiki/B7o

Twitter: @wiki_science

If you are interested please feel free to disseminate this information and the attached posters.

All the best,

Julian reported that GovHack has a dedicated volunteer media volunteer, who writes articles and reaches outs to news agencies - with a background / experience in doing that

Wiki Loves Monuments winners were announced

  • https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Monuments_2019_in_Australia
  • Ann added Duntryleague in snow image to Wikipedia article which is long and only had one image
  • NickW reported that the images from the competitions (earth + monuments) are being used on Wikidata and Wikipedia which is good. He has used a lot in Wikidata, and we have had lots of new categories on Commons made. A multi-year marathon rather than a sprint though!

Upcoming events

  • Attendee count: 16
  • Cost to Wikimedia Australia: 0


This meeting will be in the Community room at wikimedia.blindsidenetworks.net. Choose the dropdown “Community Room”.

See the recent email to the WMAU members’ list for the password, or email contact-at-wikimedia.org.au.

Suggested agenda:

  • Report from the committee and 2020 planning
  • Reports from regional events and activities
  • Updates on competitions: Wiki Loves Monuments winners, Wiki Science
  • What is something new you have learned or would like to learn?

The goal is to share ideas, learn new skills and help plan 2020 events and the work of the committee. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Space link: https://discuss-space.wmflabs.org/t/wmau-community-meeting-nov-2019/2352

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