Meeting:Committee (2019-11-11)

Committee (2019-11-11)

Normal monthly Committee meeting. Committee members and observers only.

Region: National
Location: Online

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Committee meeting

11 November 2019

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).


Date: Monday 11 November 2019
Time / time zone: 4pm WA / 5.30pm NT / 6pm QLD / 7pm AEDT
Meeting channel:


Attendees: Steve, Pru, Alex, Robert, Matt
Apologies: Caddie, Sam (US), Jacinta

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

Moved: Steve
Seconded: Alex
Passed without dissent
Robert: Clean up for publication

Business arising and actions

Steve and Robert fix all references to change in membership price - done

Steve changed membership app form, and 2 pages on public wiki (More references may exist) - Done.

Matt & Pru to follow up with Mylee Joseph around Liam Wyatt visit in December.-
ACTION Steve Contact OTRS - for further discussion. Is not used.
ACTION Steve and Sam to discuss further



President's report

Survey Drafts - review members’ responses
Pru to follow up with banner ad
Partnerships - legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page
Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting

Secretary's report

Robert, Pru & Steven discuss Password management, recommend 1password but how many accounts do we need, which means who should have access to it?

Treasurer's report

Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting: Net change: ($2734.81)

  • Current Account balances as of 11 November 2019: Westpac: $66,382.55 CC: $ 857.59 PayPal: $ 924.11
  • Income: ATO: $0 , $0 renewals, $405.00 in donations, $5.92 in interest. One unreconciled donation from bank account of $99.00 from unknown contact.
  • Expenses: Face-to-face meeting $2794.64, other travel $236.36, other misc fees $114.73
  • Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories
ACTION Financial when Pru and Alex return
Move: Pru
Second: Robert
Passed without dissent
  • (2019-10-16) WMF Grants Admin $102.11 AUD to return from 2018-19 Simple APG

MOTION: That WMAU repay unspent $102.11 AUD to WMF grant
Move: Steve
Second: Robert
Passed without dissent
Steve, Pru work out how to wire funds back

Membership report

Joining: = 0

Communications report

  • Newsletter
Record our thanks to Jacinta for great October newsletter
Jan due date:
  • Survey, WLM, MOU NGA,
  • Social media
Facebook Steve to do weekly
Twitter Steve to do weekly
Post an Australian article regularly
Promoting WMAU Grants
  • Link this to survey results

Technical report

Feedback on events process: for further specific discussion

  • (2019-09-16) Email from Ross Mallet requesting that his WMAU email be reactivated and forwarded to supplied email address
ACTION Steve to create and send to Ross


Local activities

  • ACT
  • QLD
  • NSW - Mon 16 Dec SLNSW
  • NT
  • SA
  • TAS
  • VIC -
  • WA

National activities

Notes from Community Meeting

Sam to load notes please
email members for date of next meeting
Email to international competition not received by deadline.
Pru to contact 10 winners with offer of prizes
  • Wiki Loves Science
Thomas Shafee offering to coordinate
MOTION: That WMAU approve up to $600 as budgeted for the WIki Loves Science competition 2019.
Move: Alex
Second: Robert
Passed without dissent
  • Wikipedia Day, 15 January 2020
Defer to next meeting

Global activities

  • Wikimania 2020
Robert reported on themes, goals - still under finalisation. Feedback from Sweden pending, and WMF feedback.
Process for determining scholarship applications for Wikimania 2020 with process defined by the end of November, with a call for expressions of interest soon after.
  • WikiCite ANZ
Friday 14 February 2020


  • Prizes for Wiki Loves Science - dealt with above

Meeting closed

Closed: 8.36pm AEDST

  • Next Committee meeting: Monday 9 December 2019
  • Next Community meeting: Tues 26 or Wed 27 November 2019
Wikimania (Robert, Jeremy, Ingrid) - TBC
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