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10 June 2020
8 July 2020
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
Meeting channel: BigBlueButton
- Date: Monday 22 June 2020
- Time / time zone: 5pm WA / 7pm AEST
- Meeting channel:
- Attendees: Steve, Robert, Sam, Matt, Alex, Pru
- Apologies:
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meeting:
- Monday 25 May 2020 Meeting:Committee_(2020-05-25)
- That the minutes of the 25 May 2020 meeting be accepted.
- Moved: Steve
- Seconded: Matt
- Publish to Comm Wiki and Public
Business arising and actions
- ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below
President's report
- That Wikimedia Australia approve the President and Treasurer to use the services of Good Work Group to review our financial management and develop custom reports, at a total cost of up to AUD$800 before 30 June 2020.
Moved: Pru Seconded: Steve Support: Robert, Alex, Caddie ACTION: GoodWork Group has signed a confidentiality agreement - stored in Correspondence
- Wikidata and GLAMs outreach proposal progress update
Matt reported on progress: Engagement of Rebecca Hawcroft as GLAM researcher/content developer. Rebecca has started making appointments for interviews with Wikidata people. Expecting first drafts end of the week.
- History of Paralympics Project
Paralympics Australia to cease funding MOTION: That Wikimedia Australia fund Tony Naar’s proposal ‘Australian Paralympic history project report and marketing plan’ to the value of $2,000 ex GST, payable on receipt of tax invoice and report. Moved: Robert Seconded: Steve Support: Pru, Matt, Alex
- Affiliations committee nominations
nomination deadline 30 June 2020
- Launch of new Trove infrastructure and website
ACTION: Pru to invite a Trove rep to speak at Community meeting
Secretary's report
- Community meeting notes *link redacted*
ACTION: Robert to publish on meetings page
COVID-19 ACTION: Robert to draft up a COVID-19 page on Comm, send to Comm for approval (not yet done, confusing restrictions in each state/territory is making it hard to write. WMF side of things is simple) Accounts and passwords ACTION: Further investigate and identify accounts that require a common password (ongoing) - Ongoing (look at this week or next) Paypal is an issue
Treasurer's report
Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting: Net change: +$39,080
- Current Account balances as of 24 May 2020: Westpac: $105,585.79 CC: $636.76 PayPal: $827.20
- Income: $275 in donations, $5 in interest
- Expenses: $9 in membership fees?, $45 in Xero, $10 paypal, $31 phone/net, $253 reimbursements
- Transferred: $800 PayPal to Westpac, $50.95 currently in PayPal.
- $39,147.89 WMF funds arrived in the Westpac account on 17 June.
Moved: Seconded: ACTION: Treasurer to research discrepancy in PayPal account
- Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories - ongoing
ACTION: Pru to contact Westpac in changing signatories.
- ACTION Financial
- Pru, Steve and Alex
Need password for PayPal to transfer to Westpac
- Member enquiry re Renewal price for existing members is $10 - can we change this to $9.95?
Can do this using the “Treasurer” account, this would also solve the “ex Treasurer” sending out renewals, which is automated in Xero. Also should have suggested maybe having 2020/21 membership to be $0 in reconciliation of the COVID pandemic before the renewal was sent but didn’t get a chance. ACTION: Treasurer to research/raise bulk edits to recurring subscriptions with GoodWork Group, so we can go through all recurring invoices to make the amount 9.90 to account for the 0.5c subscriptions
- Final report due 30 July 2020
Financial report shows how we are underspent, and plans to adjust program activities *link redacted*
- Need more reporting of events, linking to criteria from the annual plan.*link redacted*
- (2019-10-16) WMF Grants Admin $102.11 AUD to return from 2018-19 Simple APG
- Steve and Pru work out how to wire funds back $102.11 AUD - This will be incorporated in the wash up of 2019-20
Membership report
Joining: = 0 new members
Communications report
Newsletter *link redacted* Due date for content: Publish date: Social media Facebook Committee to do weekly Twitter Committee to do weekly Post an Australian article regularly
Technical report
Global activities
- Brand Network - Alex
Options: Executive statement: Board Update on Branding: Network: 1 preference Organisation: Foundation: 2 preferences None of the above: 3 preferences Completion of survey due 30 June 2020 - ACTION: Alex to complete on behalf of WMAU Open letters from Affiliates & Chairperson’s- Alex & Pru to forward when available
- Wikimania 2021 REDACTED
- ESEAP Board training planning for December 2020 - Indonesia or Taiwan - 1 person funded
- ESEAP nominee on Strategy Transition Group: Biyanto Rebin, WM Indonesia
National activities
- Know my Name
NGA virtual training for volunteers has begun - Kerry Raymond doing the training
Local activities
- ACT:
- QLD:
- NSW:
- NT:
- SA:
- TAS:
- VIC: Bernard & Alex - online workshop for Uni Melbourne academics
- WA: Probably going to start meeting in-person again soon (at Riff coworking space in the CBD).
Liaise with Ingrid Cumming, now at Curtin University to support Noongarpedia activity
- Safe Spaces Policy Review - raised at Community meeting
ACTION: Define the event organiser and reporter. Create an incident register to document reports and keep track of multiple occasions. Where to host this for data privacy? ACTION: Watching brief to review this when the WMF protocols are determined. ACTION: Steve to update Safe Space Policy on wiki to detail incident register and reporting process etc
- Outreach to Public Relations Institute of Australia - raised at Community meeting
To increase understanding in the sector about Wikipedia’s policies Summarise COI rules and user name policy - ‘handy hints to preserve your reputation’ Is this a top 3 problem for us in Australian content? What positive message/advice can we give? ACTION: Steve will look at drafting this and Matt and Caddie will review - not urgent
- Survey - review members’ responses - recommend merging questions *link redacted*
ACTION: Pru to follow up with banner ad -
- Partnerships
ACTION: legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page: Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting ACTION: Caddie to record the partnership agreement with Franklin Women on WMAU Wiki Investigate Volunteer personal accident insurance - discuss at future meeting,-community-and-nfp-groups/volunteer-personal-accident Centenary Institute - Matt to contact - ongoing
Meeting closed: 8.41pm
- Next Community meeting: Wed 8 July 7pm (AEST)
- Future Community meetings: Wed 12 August 7pm (AEST)
- Next Committee meeting: Mon 20 July 7pm (AEST)