Meeting:Committee (2020-08-17)

Committee (2020-08-17)
Normal monthly Committee meeting. Committee members and observers only.

Region: National
Location: Online

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Committee meeting

17 August 2020

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

Meeting channel: BigBlueButton


Date: Monday 17 August 2020 (Note: Monday 20 July 2020 Meeting did not take place due to lack of a quorum)
Time / time zone: 5pm WA / 7pm AEST
Meeting channel:


Attendees: Alex, Pru, Matt, Sam, Steve, Caddie
Apologies: Robert

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

  • That the minutes of the 22 June 2020 meeting be accepted.
Moved: Pru
Seconded: Steve
Publish to Comm Wiki and Public website

Business arising and actions

ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below



President's report

Simple APG report lodged 30 July 2020 No feedback yet. Winifred Olliff (WMF Program Officer) has left, Woubzena Jifar has left, new staff person being advertised for.

Wikidata and GLAMs outreach proposal progress update

Report from interviews Draft Matrix, Candidate Collection Preparation Checklists and Wikidata value proposition documents published as Wikidata: Engagement with Australian GLAMs No comments yet on draft. Will be meeting with Archives NSW. Written report possibly next week.

History of Paralympics Project

No update from Tony Naar yet (he’s busy, but will do it) Pru to follow up with him.

Affiliations committee

Congratulated WMAU member Bunty Avieson on successful nomination

Trove infrastructure

ACTION: Invite a Trove rep to speak at a Community meeting about Trove API, Australian Library Gateway and/or Partner IDs Wikidata project Staff changes at Trove. When they’ve filled the positions, they’ll get in touch.

Australian Women’s Register

Funding has been cut from Uni of Melb. About half of items are on WIkidata (see Mix’n’ match). Would be happy to talk at a WMAU community meeting. Lots of people on the register are not notable for WP, but should be fine for WD. WMAU could look at helping keeping the data online.

Secretary's report

Apology from Robert tonight.

Community meeting notes,
  • 10 June 2020 *link redacted*
  • 8 July 2020 -
  • ACTION: Robert to publish on meetings page

Sam to list community meetings on the Meetings page.

  • Noongarpedia: Nyungar spoken words on video

Curtin are happy to receive the funding; waiting on Ingrid, to sort out a meeting time.

  • Indigenous place names

Brief chat, but no further action yet. ACTION: Caddie to draft a proposal, e.g. for a paid project manager.

AGM date and process

set date following email proposal and notice to members made for Sun 13 September 2020 5pm AEST: Details REDACTED. Date to close the membership register. Discussion about who’s staying on committee and who else might be interested in joining.


ACTION: Robert to draft up a COVID-19 page on Comm, send it to Comm for approval No longer a requirement.

Accounts and passwords

ACTION: Further investigate and identify accounts that require a common password (ongoing) - Ongoing (look at this week or next) Paypal is an issue Committee handover process will handle Paypal manually.


  • 10 July Robert - notice of not seeking committee nomination for 2020/21
  • 17 July Mervat Salman Invitation to affiliate members to complete a survey about WMF Universal Code of Conduct
  • 27 July: Netherlands Embassy request for referral to an editor (Alex to respond)

Treasurer's report

Finalisation of 2019-20 Simple APG
  • Grant received 2020-21 $33,750 AUD + 10% contingency = TOTAL: 37,125 AUD
  • Grant Reconciliation Report Total to wire back to WMF approx AUD$8,620.00
  • Simple APG report - Submitted 30 July 2020
Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting
  • Report link
  • Net change:
  • Current Account balances as of August 2020: Westpac: $ CC: $ PayPal: $
  • Income: $ in donations, $ in interest
  • Expenses:

Moved: Seconded: ACTION: Treasurer to research discrepancy in PayPal account - done

  • Financial actions from previous meeting, signatories - ongoing

ACTION: Pru to contact Westpac in changing signatories.

ACTION Financial
Pru, Steve and Alex

Need password for PayPal to transfer to Westpac

Member enquiry re Renewal price for existing members is $10 - can we change this to $9.95?

Can do this using the “Treasurer” account, this would also solve the “ex Treasurer” sending out renewals, which is automated in Xero. Also should have suggested maybe having 2020/21 membership to be $0 in reconciliation of the COVID pandemic before the renewal was sent but didn’t get a chance. ACTION: Treasurer to research/raise bulk edits to recurring subscriptions with GoodWork Group, so we can go through all recurring invoices to make the amount 9.90 to account for the 0.5c subscriptions

Need more reporting of events, linking to criteria from the annual plan.

Membership report

Joining: = new members 3 have not renewed

Communications report

Newsletter *link redacted* Due date for content: Publish date: ACTION: Alex to work on this week, aim to release on weekend. Use Simple APG notes and WMF happenings. Social media Facebook Committee to do weekly Twitter Committee to do weekly Post an Australian article regularly

Technical report

If anyone has any requests for the WMAU wikis, tell Sam.


Global activities

  • Brand Network - Alex

Not much news yet. Lots of postponements. WMAU signed the open letter.

  • Board training planned for December 2020 - Indonesia or Taiwan - 1 person funded
  • ESEAP rep on Strategy Transition Group: Biyanto Rebin, WM Indonesia

  • DIFF Blog

  • Wiki Loves Monuments

Thoughts that in times of COVID, BLM and the classification of indigenous monuments/heritage items that WLM participation may be worth sitting out this year. Should look at other options for community engagement.

National activities

  • Know my Name

NGA virtual training for volunteers - 3 sessions by Kerry Raymond, now moving into NGA WikiClub meeting online weekly alternate Tuesdays and Thursdays

Local activities

  • ACT:
  • QLD: Louise Mayhew offering Art+Feminism editing circle weekly in August
  • NSW: University of Newcastle Missing in History Virtual edit-a-thon, Tue 8 Sep 2020 10am-4pm
  • NT:
  • SA:
  • TAS:
  • VIC: University of Melbourne ResearcherConnect conference - July
  • WA: WikiClub West starting up
      : Local history Librarian, Karratha - Pilbara Wiki


Safe Spaces Policy Review - raised at Community meeting

ACTION: Define the event organiser and reporter. Create an incident register to document reports and keep track of multiple occasions. Where to host this for data privacy? ACTION: Watching brief to review this when the WMF protocols are determined. ACTION: Steve to update Safe Space Policy on wiki to detail incident register and reporting process etc We’ll wait til after the Global Code of Conduct is finalised probably later this year.

Outreach to Public Relations Institute of Australia - raised at Community meeting

To increase understanding in the sector about Wikipedia’s policies Summarise COI rules and user name policy - ‘handy hints to preserve your reputation’ Is this a top 3 problem for us in Australian content? What positive message/advice can we give? ACTION: Steve will look at drafting this and Matt and Caddie will review - not urgent

Survey - review members’ responses - recommend merging questions *link redacted*

ACTION: Pru to follow up with banner ad - Not done yet, but we’ll get to it.


ACTION: legally drafted template for organisational partnerships. Define levels of partnership. Active and Past partnerships. Partnerships page: Add start & finish dates and review dates - For next meeting ACTION: Caddie to record the partnership agreement with Franklin Women on WMAU Wiki - COMPLETE Investigate Volunteer personal accident insurance - discuss at future meeting,-community-and-nfp-groups/volunteer-personal-accident - DEFER until becomes necessary Centenary Institute - Matt to contact - ongoing

Meeting closed:

  • AGM: Sun 13 September 5pm (AEST)
  • Next Community meeting: Wed 9 September 7pm (AEST)
  • Future Community meeting: Wed 14 October 7pm (AEST)
  • Next Committee meeting: Mon 21 September 7pm (AEST) - for new committee to confirm


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