Meeting:Committee (2022-08-15)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
- Date: Monday 15 August 2022
- Time / time zone: 5pm AWST / 6.30pm CST / 7pm AEST
- Meeting channel: Zoom
- Attendees: Amanda, Alex, Bunty, Kelly, Peter, Pru, Tom (and Caddie)
- Apologies: Jeremy
- Absent:
Previous minutes
Minutes of previous meeting:
- Monday 18 July 2022 Meeting:Committee_(2022-07-18)
- That the minutes of the 18 July 2022 meeting be accepted.
- Committee introductions and review meeting schedule
- Does Monday night at 7pm AEST each month still work for everybody?
- New member onboarding Monday 29 August, 7pm AEST
- Financial training: Finance Week: Questions your board should be asking about the finances, Wednesday 7 September - 12:30pm-1:15pm-
Matters for decision
- ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below
- Executive Officer resignation
Caddie Brain has resigned as of end of August.
The committee would like to acknowledge the hard work and dedication Caddie has given to WMAU over the last year or so as the inaugural Executive Officer and particularly in helping to build the community engagement and securing 3 year funding from WMF. She will be much missed.
- Review current job description.
- Review plan for recruitment
ACTION: Subcommittee to organise advertising and recruitment with Caddie.
Matters for Discussion
HR Policies and Procedures
With two employees, WMAU requires HR policies and procedures. A basic suite of draft policies and procedures is available for committee review and approval.
ACTION: Committee to review HR policies and procedures policy and finalise text for approval at September meeting.
More than a Day
Franklin Women hold an edit-a-thon with WMAU every two years focused on women in medical science. They were recently approached by The Leadership, a documentary film company to make a series of Wikipedia training videos and want to partner on this, and Caddie to present it. They have developed a draft video script here. Do we want to be involved in this?
Working group for advising on content - Pru
ACTION: Seek more information about what they need from WMAU for this - Caddie
Craig Franklin Award
For many years the idea of a Wikimedia recognition award for Australia. Some initial guidelines are here. Do we want to pursue this idea, and announce it at ESEAP?
ACTION: Set up a working group: Tom, Alex
Australian conference at ESEAP
Need to program for this along with ESEAP program. How do we want to run this? Run this via the Survey and programming committee. WoW will be the key Australian program
Wikimania 2023 in Singapore
Wikimania 2023 announced to be in Singapore with a focus on ESEAP region. ESEAP will be used for an in-person meeting of the CoT.
Executive Officer report [FOR NOTING]
- ESEAP conference update
18 - 20 November, opening event on the 18th, two full days Three committees overseeing planning - core organising, scholarship, programming 40 of 51 international delegates (affiliate and scholarship) have registered First round of invited delegates have been approved by WMF Maxim’s Travel are arranging travel, visa, accommodation and airport transfer details. Programming survey and submissions are open until midnight on Sunday 21 August A quote for a cruise and cocktail event at the MCA have been sourced as the main social event budget depending What contact person do we want to use for visa applications? We need a phone number.
- Communications
- New Wikimedian in Residence explores Australian music content, This Month in GLAM
- Wikimedia Australia to host ESEAP Conference
- New Wikimedian in Residence explores Australian music content
- Mapping the Barassi Line
- Populating Wikipedia: New tool integrating Australian Census data
- Social media report
- July report
- Twitter - 23 tweets / 5698 profile visits / 11.7K impressions / 1350 followers / 50 new followers
- Facebook - 15 posts / 1722 reach / 44 reactions / 1640 followers / 0 new followers
- Instagram - 2 posts / 4 likes / 44 impressions / 87 followers / 4 new followers
See Asana Social Media Metrics Board for full data.
President's report
- 2022-2025 Strategic plan Need to review and work out how we will action the agenda and plan together. Committee members to all read and review 2022-2025 strategic plan before next meeting.
- Wikimedia Summit in Berlin September 2022
Alex Lum going - thank you Alex! Program:
Secretary's report
- Invitation to present at ESEAP Policy Community meeting
- Community voting in WMF board elections
- Jacqueline Chen re ESEAP Conference
Treasurer's report
- Profit & Loss Statement 18/07/2022 - 14/08/2022
Accounts as at 14 August 2022: Paypal $916.14 Westpac $592,073.41 Credit card $455.79 Income: Donations $633.82 Expenses: Scholarships 564.09; Credited memberships 45.25; Asana annual subscription 817.64; Xero & Key Admin $207.76; Website $29.80; PayPal Fees 12.33
- Budget for 2022-23
Wikimedia Australia is funded through the Wikimedia Community Fund. Our 2022-23 budget outline is available at:
- Membership report
5 non-financial members removed prior to the AGM.
Technical report
No current technical tasks (feel free to create any new ones on Phabricator).
Global activities
- SWAN (Strategic Wikimedia Affiliates Network)
Next meeting: at Wikimedia Summit in Berlin
Next meeting: 21 August, 5pm AEST
National activities
- Wiki Loves Earth winners notified and gift cards being sent. WMAU records our thanks to the 5 judges and Margaret Donald and Annie Reynolds for coordinating.
Events / Local activities
- West Australia meet up Sunday 21 August 12pm
Meeting close: 8.33 pm AEST
- Next Community meeting: Wednesday 14 September 2022 7pm AEST
- Next Committee meeting: Monday 19 September 2022 7pm AEST