Meeting:Committee (2022-09-19)

Committee meeting

19 September 2022

This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).

  • Present: Alex, Amanda, Bunty, Jeremy, Pru, Tom
  • Absent: Kelly, Peter

Meeting opened: 5pm AWST / 6.30pm CST / 7pm AEST

Previous minutes

Minutes of previous meeting:

  • That the minutes of the 15 August 2022 meeting be accepted.
Decision: That the minutes of the 15 August 2022 meeting be accepted.
Moved: Pru; seconded: Alex; outcome: accepted

Matters arising

Matters for decision

ACTIONS - dealt with under appropriate reports below
Executive Officer Recruitment
Decision: Ratify the report of the recruitment subcommittee as sent in email of Mon 12 Sep.
Moved: Bunty; seconded: Alex; outcome: full meeting
HR Policies and Procedures

With two employees, WMAU requires HR policies and procedures. A basic suite of draft policies and procedures is here for committee review and approval:

The Safe Space Policy also needs to be updated to include online events. Amendments here:

ACTION: Committee to accept amendments and approve HR and Safe Space policies and procedures.

Franklin Women’s More Than a Day video approval

Caddie Brain and Franklin Women need approval for their video script. There's no cost to WMAU. They just need approval ASAP to move forward with filming. Please confirm with Caddie.

Decision: accepted
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Pru; outcome:

ACTION: Alex to confirm decision re More than a day with Caddie, and if there is interest in including at ESEAP conference.

ESEAP Conference attendance

We would like to encourage all committee members to attend the ESEAP conference in Sydney and meet together as a committee in person. Please confirm as soon as possible If you can attend ESEAP for catering purposes. Please also let us know if you will be attending WoW.

For those outside of Sydney, it is proposed that WMAU cover travel and accommodation. There is no cost for the conference or any associated social functions.

Approximate costs: Accommodation $275 x 3 nights = $1,125 + return airfares

Decision: Approved
Moved: Amanda; seconded: Alex; outcome:

ACTION: Treasurer to liaise with committee members to arrange bookings.

Coordinator report [FOR NOTING]


Wiki Loves Earth winners announced for 2022 Growing the representation of Australian Women in Religion through Wikidata

Social media report

See Asana Social Media Metrics Board for latest data.

President's Report

ESEAP conference update

A draft program is online on meta but there is still lots of detail to come.

Confirmation of presenters will happen after 26 September. Drafting detailed information for presenters and for all visitors to Australia. Lots of interest from Wikimedia Foundation staff in attending

ESEAP representative on Movement Charter Draft Committee

The ESEAP representative on the MCDC resigned 18 months ago and there has been discussion - at the Summit and at ESEAP meetings - about whether a replacement is needed. The MCDC has confirmed they will provide lots of consultation and opportunities for feedback. Does WMAU have a view on this and should we provide a formal response to MCDC?

University of Canberra Misinformation and Wikipedia conference - 16 Sept 2022 Amanda and Pru from WMAU Committee as well as other community members presented and participated in this conference which got lots of publicity. Follow up activities around training and outreach with schools and universities.

Treasurer's Report

Profit & Loss Statement since last meeting
  • Accounts as at 18 Sep 2022: Paypal $836.04 Westpac $548,635.21 Credit card $1,371.68

15/8/2022 - 18/9/2022

  • Income: Donations $750; Membership $9.95
  • Expenses:
    • Salaries Aug - $16,116.72; Superannuation: $2,007.19; Payroll admin $497; PayPal Fees $10.34; Insurance $1,173.15; Website $30.11; Xero $49.09; Recruitment $435;
    • Catering Sydney $109.10; City of Sydney advertising $100; Wiki Loves Earth prizes and judging $535.41
    • ESEAP $24,769.97 - accommodation, cruise deposits, reimburse Australian airfares

Membership Report

1 renewal this period, no new members

Decision: That the Treasurer’s report be accepted.
Moved: Tom; seconded: Alex; outcome: accepted

Secretary's Report

Wiki Summit in Berlin September 2022

Three days plus a premeeting on ESEAP and MCDC. First day on movement strategy, second day on hubs. Successful as a hybrid in person/online event. Third day consolidating and next steps. Great to meet and make connections with people from across countries. WMAU is well regarded and people were really positive.


Follow up from Douglas Scott at Wikimedia South Africa on copyright issues and how to share knowledge and advocate. Amanda and Douglas had a long conversation and lots of potential for further collaboration on these issues.

General Business

Wikidata 10 birthday - October 2022

ACTION: WikiclubWest to host an event- tying in with a meetup with probable involvement of data contributors

ACTION: Ask James to focus the October Community meeting on Wikidata Get photographs to share from Australia

National activities

Open Access Week 2022

Includes event on Friday 28th October: Session 2


Wikimedia collaborations for climate research knowledge sharing

Meeting close: 8:35 pm AEST

  • Next Community meeting: 12 October 2022
  • Next Committee meeting: 17 October 2022
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