Meeting:Committee (2023-09-18)
This meeting has two pages: one restricted-access page (only for members of the current Board) and one public-access page (which may have sensitive information redacted).
- Present: Elliott, Emily, Tom, Peter, Jeremy, Amanda and Belinda
- Apologies: Kelly, Bunty
Meeting opened: Monday 18 September 2023 5pm AWST / 6.30pm ACST / 7pm AEST
Previous meeting
- Monday 4 September 2023 Meeting:Committee_(2023-09-04)
Executive Officer report [FOR NOTING]
Wikimania 2023 in Singapore
Scholarship Reports still to be completed. Scholars were given one month after Wikimania to complete their reports so deadline is 20 September.
Staff - Welcome Alice!
Delighted to now have both new staff on-board. Alice started on 11 September 2023 and brings skills in running events, managing projects as well as being an experienced Wikipedia editor. Our team is now planning for the rest of this year and looking longer term.
ESEAP Hub Interim Committee
ESEAP Preparatory Council elections are now complete. ESEAP Preparatory Council is a council to continue the work done by the ESEAP Interim Hub Committee. Belinda has been re-elected representing WMAU. The full Council are:
- Affiliate Seats: Athikhun Suwannakhan, Belinda Spry, Dody Ismoyo, Reke Wang
- Community Seats: Irvin Sto. Tomas, Johnny Alegre, Robert Sim
- Individual Seats: Agus Damanik, Vanj Padilla
The Council is now setting dates to meet, and has a mandate until the ESEAP Conference in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia in mid-May 2024.
Project Partners
Nearly all four projects with our partners are complete. Project Leads have provided reports and are in the process of sharing more broadly their experiences (conferences, community presentations, journal articles, etc) and what they’ve learnt:
- Queensland University of Technology - digitisation project for WikiCommons - Final Report by Jill Rogers
- ACMI - Wikidata and ACMI catalogue - Final Report supplied by Indigo Holcombe-James
- University of Divinity - Australian Women in Religion on Wikipedia and Wikidata - Final Report by Linda Pascal
- Shire of Paroo (regional Council in Queensland) - regional and rural knowledge on Wikipedia and WikiCommons. Final Report - tbc.
Events planning 2023
Upcoming events
- Introducing Wikipedia - A free online workshop - October 2023 — Tuesday 3 October 2023
- Drop in and Wiki - October 2023 — Tuesday 3 October 2023
- Superstars of STEM - Sydney — Saturday 7 October 2023. Join the Superstars of STEM Wikipedia editing workshop
- ESEAP Hub 36th Meeting - East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific — Sunday 8 October 2023. Updates from ESEAP Hub
Community Meeting - October 2023 — Wednesday 11 October 2023
See all [on our website].
Social media report
August statistics
Total followers as of 31 August, 2023
- Twitter: 3224 (up by 97)
- Facebook: 1859 (up by 9)
- Instagram: 382 (up by 36)
- Linkedin: 198 (up by 32) - needs to be checked
- Mastodon: 115 (up by 21)
- YouTube: 60 (up by 15)
Secretary's report
- Membership report, August
1 application received during August.
Treasurer's report
- Profit & Loss Statement for August 2023
Profit and Loss Statement August 2023 Balance sheet August 2023
That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted
Matters for decision
DRAFT Safe Spaces Policy
The DRAFT Safe Spaces Policy (May 2023) was sent by email to Committee. It will supersede previous versions including a Safe Space Policy (from August 2022), and the current version on WMAU website dated March 2016. To be reviewed in line with WMF Universal Code of Conduct policy and the enforcement guideline recent update. Once approved by the WMAU Board it will be updated on our WMAU website and used in all events (online, in-person, hybrid).
NOTE: After the acceptance of the UCoC by the WMF Board, all Wikimedia communities will be encouraged to look at their existing policies to ensure they fulfil the UCoC expectations. Communities can go beyond the UCoC and develop more elaborate policies, but they should ensure that their local policies do not fall below the basic standard set by the UCoC. If needed, communities and the Foundation can work together to harmonise policies. The Foundation will be available to assist until the project is completed.
Community Conference 2023 and Strategic planning meeting (Nov)
Weekend 18-19 November 2023 confirmed.
At the recent Community meeting we shared dates and ideas for the program. Belinda has booked venue, The Conference Room at Punthill Apartment Hotel Spring Hill for 18th Conference day & 19th Strategic Planning Day (1.5 days).
Board to approve budget for conference costs and planning meeting of up to $20,000, including sponsorships of $500 for travel and accommodation in Brisbane. Expected attendance of around 30 people. This will be a combination of WMF funding and carry forward. Draft submission form Draft Application form
Related events in Brisbane after the weekend of the conference include
- Citizen Science conference CitSciOz23 on the Sunshine Coast. 21-23 Nov
- RezBaz, 21 - 23 Nov at UQ
We will try to organise workshops for both. Amanda, Belinda, Alex and Toby have submitted a half day workshop on 20 November as a side event to Citizen Science. Will also look at a submission for RezBaz.
Global activities
Open Access Week (International) from October 23 - 29, 2023, in Australasia 24-27 October 2023. Wikidata conference Taiwan from 28-29 October 2023 GLAM Wiki in Uruguay from 16-18 November 2023
National activities
See events section mentioned previously, and all events on our website.
Meeting close: 8.35 pm
- Next Community meeting: Wednesday 11 October 2023
- Next Board meeting: Monday 16 October 2023