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The Australian chapter of the international Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia Australia is run by a volunteer board of four office-bearers and four ordinary members.

Board 2024

President - Elliott Bledsoe has extensive experience in copyright, with a focus on the interplay between rights and creative practice. For the past 5 years he has worked regularly with the Australian Digital Alliance (ADA) and the Australian Libraries and Archives Copyright Coalition (ALACC) on copyright advocacy, education and reform activities. He is also the Co-lead of the Creative Commons Australia chapter which promotes and encourages the use of CC licences in Australia. Elliott also runs Agentry, an arts marketing micro-consultancy that supports artists, arts organisations and groups to introduce marketing strategy and optimise their marketing communications efforts – whether IRL, URL or hybrid (in-person, online or both). Elliott is based in Meanjin (also known as Brisbane) on Turrbal, Jagera and Yugarapul Country. Email:

Vice-President - Dr Bunty Avieson is a researcher at University of Sydney, New South Wales. She is also a member of Women Write Wiki and WikiProject Bhutan. Email:

Secretary - Shravan Rao has been in the education sector for over 5 years, and a contributor on Wikimedia projects for over 7 years, particularly Wikidata. He is passionate about free access to knowledge, education, digital literacy, inclusion and equity.

Treasurer - Peter Neish is based in Melbourne and has worked in data support roles within the government and higher education sectors. He is interested in making data and information more open, accessible, and interoperable.

Ordinary Member - Tom Hogarth lives in Perth, Western Australia. He has been an office bearer on the committee in a number of positions. Has lived and worked in Java, Indonesia, Tasmania and Sydney. Email:

Ordinary Member - Jeremy Ludlow is a resident of Perth. Since 2009, he has been an editor on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. In that capacity, he has created more than 1,000 Wikipedia articles, has contributed to many others, and has uploaded more than 10,000 images to Wikimedia Commons. He has been Chair of Council of a non-government school and has many years’ experience as a lawyer, although he is taking a break from the profession at the moment.

Ordinary Member - Kassi Hays has been contributing to Wikipedia since 2020 and brings a wealth of experience in the Library Sciences. As a Librarian her focus is on information being discoverable and accessible, and she says one of the best ways to do that is by improving and contributing to Wikipedia.

Ordinary Member - Emily Mierisch

Emily lives and works on Gadigal Land (Sydney), where she currently coordinates the volunteer program at the State Library of New South Wales. Emily has a background in fine arts with significant experience within international galleries, libraries and museums.

Past boards can be seen here.

Executive Officer

Belinda Spry (she/her) is a qualified professional with over 25 years in Training, Libraries and Education. As a librarian and educator she has long-held beliefs and interests in the open knowledge movement. Belinda remembers Jimmy Wales visiting Australia in 2007 and the attention it brought to open knowledge built by and for everyday people. She was curious to explore Wikipedia at that time and has remained an avid and keen supporter. Belinda has spent the past 15 years working in the not-for-profit sector achieving positive outcomes for lifelong learners everywhere. Email:

Events and Programs Coordinator

Alice Woods has recently come on board as Events and Programs Coordinator with Wikimedia Australia. She has extensive Wikipedia editing experience, lead edit-a-thons and has worked in Libraries, archives and on community projects in metro and remote locations in Australia. Email:

Communications and Project Coordinator

Ali Smith is an education and training professional with interests in community education, digital inclusion and lifelong learning. Her background is in Digital Literacy and Communications within Local Government, Libraries and Higher Education. Email:

Past staff members can be seen here.



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